A serious disease has infected our country. No one really talks about it much although signs of this contagion have existed for quite some time. Like a slow growing cancer, the symptoms have gotten progressively worse to the point where they are no longer avoidable; they cannot be denied. The problem we now face is that this cancer has metastasized to an extent where a cure, or even treatment, is very doubtful.
Our media, politicians and business elites have known about this disease for years. They have not only stood by as the disease spread, but have encouraged – and profited from- its propagation. Like a seemingly caring doctor wanting to spare the patient needless pain, the prognosis offered is that all is fine and there’s nothing to worry about.
What is this sickness I am talking about? In one word… stupidity.
We, as a country, once had the “silent majority.” Then came the “moral majority.” Today we have been transformed into a new majority… one I like to call the “moron majority.”
Is there any doubt we’ve become a nation of morons? Just look around you the signs (symptoms) are as clear as could be. The late night infomercial claiming that drinking a milk shake will make you lose 30 pounds in only two weeks… no exercise needed! The drug company claiming your itchy skin can be a thing of the past if you only take their pill… and, oh yes, the side effects can be vomiting, diarrhea, hearing loss, and, in rare instances, death! Yes, death! But not to worry… just ask your doctor if Itchamedaphine is right for you!
But there is no greater proof that we’ve become a nation of morons than by simply looking at some of our elected political “leaders.” Yes there have always been plenty of buffoons, scoundrels and hucksters in our body politic but the sheer number of such blockheads at the top of today’s political ladder is astounding! Just look at some of the 2016 Republican presidential hopefuls … Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, Carly Fiorina, Scott Walker, “The Donald!” Could the clown car get any more crowded?
The dumbing down of America has been a slow, gradual process. The first sign that it had reached critical mass became evident during the Bush v. Gore presidential election. A race that should have been an easy victory for Gore (could you have picked a more intellectual lightweight than GWB?) became a defeat (well, sort of!)
The pivotal moment of that election was the first debate. As Bush answered questions in less than a clear and intelligible manner, the camera kept focusing on Gore and his facial expressions. Gore was caught rolling his eyes, shaking his head, frowning and sneering. He was deemed the clear loser of the debate not on the content of what he said but on his body language! Gore came off as the intellectual snob who only has condescension for the less gifted competitor. A veritable Mr. Goody two-shoes. Certainly not the type of guy you’d want to have a drink with! Now Georgie… there’s a guy who can relate to the common folk! Gore tried to change his style in later debates but it was too late. The mold was set right then and there.
Only a nation of morons could elect a dim-witted, draft-dodging, hard drinking frat boy with his “gentlemen’s C” average at Yale over a Harvard graduate (cum laude), Viet Nam War veteran and Vanderbilt Law School graduate. And while there are those who still think Bush stole the election thanks to his brother’s help in Florida, with a big assist from the Supremes, it should never have gotten to that point. As GWB famously said, “Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me – you can’t get fooled again.” Oh yeah, enough voters got fooled again by reelecting you, sir.
I welcome this new site to the world. There needs to be a voice for the real majority of America. Those who believe in a fair and living wage. Those who think the rest of us should not subsidize the very richest sliver of Americans. Warren Buffett should pay a higher marginal tax rate than his secretary.
There needs to be a common sense approach to deal w/our very real problems and where we take care of our own…all of our own. The senseless division created by the likes of Sam Brownback creating a list of how one can spend their food stamps or Scott Walker drug testing those who get food stamps must stop. The Republican party seems hell bent on blaming the victim instead of focusing their energies on helping all citizens. Self-deport 11 million people. Sure! Cut the term of assistance for all-even though the economy is not back on its feet and all who want jobs cannot find them. And Walmart pays its full time workers so little that they qualify for governmental assistance. Why should the government bail out Walmart?
The Republicans should quit destroying their own education systems in a misguided tax cut that only benefits those who least need a tax cut. Shame!
Welcome Moronmajority.com
may you have a long and productive run
Thanks Jon. What amazes me most is how so many of the folks that have been taken advantage of by the Repugs keep electing Repugs. You know, voting against there own economic interests to the benefit of the wealthiest few. I guess it all boils do to the fact that big conservative money and big conservative media (Faux News to be exact) have such a profound impact on the way people think (or don’t think!)
There is no doubt that we are witnessing the dumbing down of America. Politicians lie more than ever – making statements with no truth whatsoever to back them up. And our “moronic” masses seem to accept what they say at face value. Banks and other financial institutions are back committing the same crimes they did before 2008, but we are told they are regulated and we seem to buy in. And as you wisely point out, the media slant is unbearable. Fox News is an invention. And where to begin with the Koch Brothers and The Buying of the Supreme Court?
And on top of everything, the Repug governors are doing everything they can to weaken our public school systems. From taking out science in textbooks and inserting religion; from cutting public school budgets; from giving more and more of a public function, universal education, to private for-profit companies. Any my all-time favorite, promoting more home schooling ( so kids won’t be exposed to that nasty evolution conspiracy thing!)
Fox News (Faux News) is registered as an entertainment channel! Many people are taken in with the “news” label.
Right wing fantasy- back to 1860—morons forever
The tea party/republican party (notice no capitals) continues to stand by one of the most negative aspects of American history. That is is the undying belief in states rights and the sovereignty of the individual state.(New code- racism, old code- slavery)
Fox News was jumping through hoops to portray the killings in South Carolina as anti Christian and an attack on religion. Not one republican presidential candidate condemned the act as racist only as a hate crime.
Morning Joe decried the lack of mental health services because the killer was a white man. He would have been called a terrorist if he was a person of color.
These representatives of the conservative right ignore the fact that that a large portion of our population were considered chattel and inferior to the Anglo Saxon population.
When you think about the possibility that there really is a moron majority in this country, it seems like it is 1860 all over again. The prevalent conversation in right wing media is “ states have the right to make decisions”. It wouldn’t surprise me that , tomorrow morning, Fox News will be rationalizing the new attack on Fort Sumpter. I must admit that Sean Hannity will find it easy to defend that action by describing the threats from the Afro American and LGBT communities. Just think, your children will be molested in the school bathrooms and they will be forced to listen to Jay Z and Beyoncé. Bill o’ Reilly will be defending the attack as the protection of Christmas. In order to save Christianity, Santorum and Huckabee will thank the Lord for preserving civilization and blame Jenner for the rain in Texas. A California republican representative has already blamed the drought on the state’s abortion support. Of course, my favorite, Perry called the latest shootings an accident.
When you dig into the republican/ tea party platform and psychology of the base, all you find is feed the rich and starve all else, follow Jesus and screw everyone else and the only way to save the world is to send in the marines. Don’t they realize that they depend more on the policies they decry more than most.
Keep in mind that in 1860 , you wouldn’t have the problem of a black leader..
No more food stamps, Obamacare and social security and, of course, the confederate flag will fly.
Morons forever.
Great post Aaron! I agree with all you’ve said except for one thing. You say the psychology of the Republican base is to “follow Jesus.” If only that were true. But then they’d be liberals! I would say the republican/tea party crowd likes to follow the Bible, more particularly the Old Testament’s eye-for-an-eye that Jesus preached against.