There is so much for which to thank George W. Bush. The current state of the world, in no small measure, can be traced directly to Bush’s leadership. Remember, he was “the Decider.” And boy did his decisions have a profound impact on everything… the state of the world, the shape of our economy, and even the current condition of Republican politics.
Because of Bush’s election, we now have the sorry spectacle of a Republican clown car so packed, it might take the jaws of life to pry everyone out! Dubya lowered the bar for the presidency so much that we now have, as reality, what would have only been a Saturday Night Live skit not too long ago. Donald Trump? Really?
Bush aptly demonstrated it does not take brains to be elected president. People have to just like you. You’ve got to be the type of guy a person would want to have a drink with. Government is bad, as Saint Ronald liked to say, so why do we need a smarty-pants president anyway? Hence we have a 2016 lineup of Republican presidential hopefuls that not only includes “The Donald,” but Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, George Pataki, Rick Santorum, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, and Chris Christie.
Opps! Forgot to mention Jeb. Remember, him, the smart Bush? It was Jeb who had the right stuff to be president. He was the one with the gravitas and brains to be leader of the free world. It was supposed to be him, not George, placing his hand on that bible at the swearing in.
Unfortunately for everyone, as Jeb was exploring his option to run, he showed the world he doesn’t have that many more IQ points than his less mentally gifted brother. When asked the simple, and predictable, question by Megyn Kelly of Fox News, if, knowing what we know now, he would have ordered the invasion of Iraq, Jeb amazingly answered “yes!” As has become abundantly clear, he is just another bought and paid for Republican. The younger Bush’s rhetoric was that he was his own man. So what does Jeb do? Well, he surrounds himself with the same group of lame, failed advisers from Dubya’s time in office!
I do not know which clown will emerge from that VW Beetle as the 2016 Republican nominee, but those debates will surely be “must see TV”. Pass the popcorn, please.
Thanks Dubya … for nothing!
ActIII says
If only Dubya had stuck with his first love… painting!
Charles Sloane says
You hit the nail on the head with this one. By the way, The Donald will surely buy these clowns a Clown Limo to fit them all in.
John Deprospo says
I just can’t wait for the Republican debates… especially if they will include Trump! “So, Mr. Trump. what do you think of euthanasia?” “Well, I think they are much better then our kids in math but our kids are still pretty smart!”
Charles Sloane says
He’s more than likely to shoot himself in the foot on more than one occasion.