The Supreme Court’s decision upholding Obamacare had barely been released when Fox News dubbed June 25, 2015 “Another Black Thursday.” This, of course, should not be confused with the blackest of all Thursdays, the stock market crash of 1929. That “Black Thursday” led to the Great Depression and the worldwide economic collapse.
“This is what happens when you have liberal activist judges sitting on the highest court of the land,” fumed Sean Hannity. “This was a simple case. The language of the law was clear… subsidies are only available on those exchanges setup by the states!”
While very few would describe the current makeup of the Supreme Court as ‘liberal,” fellow Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly commented, “That turncoat Roberts! Twice he’s let me down on Obamacare!”
O’Reilly’s anger with Roberts, however, is really a moot point. While Roberts voted with the majority, the result would have been the same even if Roberts voted against Obamacare. The decision to uphold the law would have passed 5-4, instead of 6-3.
In a blistering dissent, joined by Justices Alito and Thomas, Antonin Scalia declared, “We should just start calling this law SCOTUScare!”
When reached for comment, House Speaker John Boehner said, “ObamaCare is fundamentally broken, increasing health care costs for millions of Americans. Today’s ruling doesn’t change that fact.” Speaker Boehner went on to say, “We will continue our efforts to repeal the law and replace it with patient-centered solutions that meet the needs of seniors, small business owners, and middle-class families.” When asked exactly with what the Republicans planned to replace Obamacare, Boehner said, ”Just give us a little more time. Heck we’ve only had five years to come up with something!”
Conservative blogs exploded with condemnation of the Supreme Court’s decision. As one poster on the Fox website observed, “The Supreme Court has just given Obama the elevator and the American tax payers the shaft. Is it time to move to a non-socialist country?”
Well, unless the Fox poster wants to move to Angola, someone needs to inform him that nearly all the advanced nations of the world offer universal healthcare… and for the most part free!
I hear non-socialist Yemen is a nice place to live. The cost of living is very affordable. And Fox News is available on basic cable.
Fox: the unhinged and unbalanced network. Whatever they say, they are on the wrong side of every issue
But I thought they were fair and balanced? Not! A study recently showed that 94% of “Faux News” viewers are Republicans!