Of course I will vote for her. That is, unless something truly cataclysmic occurs and she is denied the prize she has so long worked, and sacrificed, for. Bernie? I don’t think so. While I love the man and the message, I do not believe the country is ready to elect a self-described, true socialist.
There is something just not quite right about Hillary. It appears every move she makes is politically calculated. I seriously doubt there is a genuine bone in her body. Her vote to support the Iraq war? Pure political expediency. She had to show her toughness, right, if she ever expected to be Commander in Chief some day… and she does expect it!
From the “renting out” of the Lincoln bedroom to big campaign donors while in the White House, to $200k speeches to the likes of Goldman Sachs, the Clintons are unabashed political opportunists. To say the Clintons carry a huge amount of political baggage is beyond an understatement. Hey, Hillary alone carries enough streamer trunks to fill the hold of the Titanic.
Hillary Clinton and former president Bill Clinton have earned in excess of $25 million for delivering 104 speeches since the beginning of 2014. Since leaving the State Department, Hillary Clinton has made more than 90 speeches and notable appearances. Her gigs have included private equity firms, investment banks, nonprofit galas, trade association conventions, and many colleges and universities.
You may ask, “Is any person reading a fifteen minute prepared speech to a group of wealthy businessmen worth $200K?” Of course not! It’s a scam and we all know it. Let me tell you a little story I was told by my former father-in-law, a Brooklyn, New York personal injury lawyer. There was a group of Brooklyn trial lawyers who played a weekly game of poker with a few judges. As it turned out, the judges always won and the lawyers always lost. Unethical? Maybe, but very effective and lucrative for the trial lawyers.
Many of the political comments I read about Hillary go something like this, “While I will vote for Hillary, at the same time I will be holding nose!” It’s a shame that it may turn out that way. It certainly looks like a repeat of Bush vs Clinton.
In my seventh grade government class we were taught about the concept of voting for the “lesser of two evils.” Mr. Berger, here we go again!
In case some of you readers get the wrong idea, I would rather vote for a deck chair than vote for any Republican. Voting for Barack Obama – twice – was a thrill I hope to experience once again before my time is through, however.
Photo | educationviews.org
I hope you’re wrong. I’m hoping that if elected, at age 69, she will be a great President. She is incredibly smart, experienced, and I think her heart is in the right place—-and if politics are off the table because she concludes “may not have a second term so putting my all into my first and doing what I want to do” we could live in a better America. With a better Supreme Court.
She was a wunderkid before she ever met a guy from Hope…fingers crossed
I will vote for whoever is the democratic nominee. I agree that Hillary is incredibly smart and experienced. I just can’t get excited about a candidate that focus-groups if she should wear the blue pantsuit or the brown one. I am exaggerating here but you get my point. Would be interesting to see how a Republican Congress treats her (assuming they keep control.)
Hillary is simply a less-good liar than Bill. Both are incredibly smart, politically savvy, and ambitious. She will make a wonderful President, sort of Obama with balls. I can deal with a centrist Dem over nearly any Republican.
Personally, I’ve loved Bernie since I was turned on to him while in law school in the mid-80s. He’s honest (which is bad for a politician who actually wants to be elected), sensible, and a socialist Jew; what’s not to like? For every knuckle dragger who complains about socialism as if has ever really been employed, I’ll just remind them that totalitarianism is not socialism. But then again, it’s the criminals from Mexico who are raping our women while the non-citizen/illegal President/Muslim terrorist does nothing.
Bernie has my heartfelt vote in the primary. I suspect he’s angling for a cabinet post of some type ( or Veterans Affairs?), but also to push her left. She will win and I don’t see a single candidate on the other side who can beat her, although it’ll be close because there is so much misinformation out there and so many people clinging to fear and God and guns and gays. Jeb or Rubio is my guess. Hillary is passionate the way a robot works incredibly hard, but she can connect just enough and none of these idiots connect with more than 10% of the population.
I’ll vote for her and not be thrilled. A female President is fine, and she’s definitely ready and has earned it, but I’m not excited by her or her “cankles.”
Stephen, we seem to be in agreement. I just can’t see Bernie being the nominee, not with Faux News continually calling him a socialist (like it’s a bad thing!) The truth is he’s a true, centrist Democrat! But labels matter and Hillary will not let her last opportunity for the presidency slip through her fingers… again! As I commented, looks like Bush vs Clinton once again!
Bernie would be center left in most normal parts of the world. He’s a self-labeled socialist here and Faux News would love that. But then again, Obama is a centrist and somehow he’s a socialist too. But damned if you dare take away government aid, Medicare, or Social Security.
Hillary is mean and nasty enough that she’ll make sure she wins. And she has tons of $. Bernie is appealing and has no chance, which I’m pretty sure he knows.
Agree.Your description of Hillary as “mean” reminded me of the plant from “Little Shop of Horrors” … mean green mother from outer space.
Great analogy. Seymour was one name right?
Yes. Remember the song “Suddenly Seymour?”