While Ted Cruz’ chances of ever being elected president of the Unities States are slimmer than a stick of beef jerky, the question remains, “Where are the birthers?” Where are all those concerned citizens who questioned Barack Obama’s right to the Oval Office? Where are all those strict constitutionalists who claimed Obama was not a “natural born citizen” as required by the Constitution?
Ted Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada, to an American mother and a Cuban father. Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to an American mother and a Kenyan father. Of course, the birthers do not believe Obama was born in Hawaii but Kenya.
To the birthers’ credit, Section 1 of Article 2 in the Constitution indeed states that only “a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.” However, Section 301(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act automatically extends naturalized citizenship to anyone born of an American citizen.
So both Ted Cruz and Barack Obama, even if he were born in Kenya, are American citizens eligible for the Presidency.
What all this clearly shows is the whole “birtherism” movement was bogus from day one. It was not about Obama’s birthplace but his skin color. What this also shows is the shear hypocrisy of the conservative right and just adds to the long, inglorious history of right-wing double standards.
The most notable birther and current Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, was recently asked why conservatives were not making an issue out of Cruz’ birthplace like that of Obama’s. Trump replied, “Because Ted is a good man and a good friend. And he’s white… sort of.”
That Trump, he sure tells it like it is!
Republican Party, hypocrisy is thy name!
The Republican base is mainly composed of very low information voters, which would be bad enough if they were not also constantly being given misinformation about who they should hate, be afraid of, and on and on, by the right-wing echo chamber.
And while they are blaming everyone else for their problems, the rich laugh their asses off and become richer while the commoners fight over the scraps.
As Gov. LePage of Maine famously said, many people are getting it without being provided the use of Vaseline (he, of course was referring to a Democrat in his state.)