In 1911, two French psychologists, Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon, created the first modern intelligence test that measured intelligence quotient, “IQ.” The test classified individuals on a scale of intelligence from “moron” to “genius.”
Today, The American Psychiatric Association has developed a simpler test to determine whether one can be classified a “moron.” It is an easy 10 question, true or false, test.
OK, you know you’re not a genius. But could you be a moron? Just answer true or false on the following questions
- You believe Fox News is really a news channel.
- You believe the earth is only about 6,000 years old
- You believe all politicians, mostly Republicans and Democrats, are all the same.
- You believe the Confederate battle flag is just a benign symbol of southern heritage.
- You believe Barack Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya.
- You believe Jesus rode dinosaurs.
- You believe Sarah Palin has an IQ greater than 75.
- You believe the Iraq war was about weapons of mass destruction.
- You believe the way to end gun violence is to arm every man, woman and child… and indoor pet.
- You believe the theory of evolution is a liberal conspiracy.
If you answered “yes” to 8 questions, you are a true, bona fide “imbecile.” If you answered “yes” to 9 of the 10, your classification is one of “idiot.” If you answered “yes” to all 10 questions, congratulations, you are a pure “moron.”
The APA has proposed a simple, two-step solution to improving on such low levels of intelligence. Step one, remove your head from up your ass and smell the roses, not your own feces. Step two, turn off Fox News.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe – Albert Einstein