Adding fuel to the belief that Donald Trump’s candidacy is a secret Democratic plot, the Washington Post has reported that Trump conducted a secret conversation with Bill Clinton just days before announcing his bid for the Republican presidential nomination. No one knows for sure what the two men talked about, but if you’re a Republican conspiracy theorist, it probably went something like this:
Trump: “Hey Bill, what’s up dude?
Clinton: “Oh, the usual. Making a few million here, a few there. You know how it is.”
Trump: “Listen, I need a little advice. You know how I’m always threatening to run for president, right? Well, a strange thing is happening. I’m being told by my pollsters I got a good chance of attracting a following this time around. What do you think?”
Clinton: “Wow, that’s messed up! But I got to tell you there might be gold here. If your pollsters are right, you might really be able to shake things up with that weak excuse of Republican candidates.”
Trump: “So true. Cruz, Huckabee, Perry, Fiorina … all losers. Give me a break!”
Clinton: ”You want my advice? Go with it! Should be good for a few laughs. It certainly will help Hill. How about this, you go total Tea Bag batshit on them? You know, say the things all those losers like Bush and Walker are thinking but are afraid to say. Stuff the low information, Fox News base will just eat up.”
Trump: “Yeah, I could put those weasels on the spot. They either attack me and piss off their base or let me slide and piss off everybody else. What do you think I should make my signature campaign issue?”
Clinton: “Well, the base has strong feelings on Mexican immigration. How about this… in your speech announcing your candidacy, you say Mexico is sending us their drug dealers, criminals and rapists?”
Trump: “There’s a reason why people call you the greatest political strategist alive. But isn’t that a little over the top?”
Clinton: “No way. In fact, I predict your poll numbers will jump with a comment like that!”
Trump: “Ok. I’m in for real this time. Should be fun for however long it lasts … a few weeks, a month?”
Clinton: “Great! I’ll tell Hill. She will just pee her pantsuit!”
Trump: “Funny Bill. Now is our tee time Sunday 8:30 or 9:30?”
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I hear Trump is a better golfer (and Clinton cheats on his score.)
You would hear correctly!
You know… could be true! Those Clintons are so devious!
Trump and the Clintons are good friends so…….