I’ve often wondered, is there such a thing as a national Republican Party? If so, who is its leader? Certainly it is not that milquetoast Reince Priebus, head of the Republican National Committee (RNC), nor is it the dullard Mitch McConnell, Republican leader of the Senate, nor “the Tan Man,” John Boehner, speaker of the House.
For years I’ve been convinced Fox News was just the propaganda instrument of the Republican Party; a mouthpiece for disinformation and the promotion of Republican candidates and causes. After this week’s Republican presidential debate, it is clear to me Fox News is the Republican Party. And its leader is Fox News chairman, Roger Ailes. He is the Republican heavyweight. He is the man who calls the shots.
It was Ailes’ decision to limit the Republican presidential debate to the top ten candidates, of the seventeen running, as determined by an average of the top five national polls. When a stink was made about how this would adversely affect the excluded seven candidates, Fox News (Ailes) reluctantly decided to hold a pre-debate debate. A non prime-time kid’s table, if you will, for the unfortunate losers.
The problem was, except for the few candidates at the top of the polls, the poll numbers for the candidates at the lower end of the spectrum were all within the polls’ statistical margin of error! The pollsters all told Fox their polls were being improperly used: that there was no statistical difference between #10 Kaisch (2.8%) and #11 Perry (2.0%). The weakling Chairman Priebus, knowing the field of seventeen candidates needed whittling down, didn’t intercede and left it to Ailes to do the dirty work.
Despite what its name implies, Fox News is not, nor it has ever been, a legitimate news network. Ailes, himself, has admitted his beloved Fox News is really an entertainment medium. He sees his competition as TNT, USA and ESPN, not other news outlets.
Of course, gullible Fox News viewers think they are getting real news … you know, news that’s fair and balanced.
I guess after 17 years, a project begun by right-wing propagandist Rupert Murdoch, with the assistance of Republican media strategist Roger Ailes, it would only be natural for the enterprise to assume its earned status as Republican kingmaker.
Photo | capitalnewyork.com
John. You have pointed out what smart people have known since Clinton. Fix news is nothing more than gop propaganda and runs the teapublicans since then end of last century.
Fox News is actually registered as an entertainment channel. How they get away with calling themselves a “news channel” is beyond me.
Fox “News” is a cancer on America, and trying to kill it from the inside.
Yes, they’ve been highly successful … and profitable.
You’ve told us all the painfully obvious. The question is – what can anyone do to truly “pull back the curtain” to the Republican audience so that they will know the truth.
Most of the “Republican audience” wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them in the mouth. Believing in truth or facts is optional.