occasionally receives emails from readers. Below is an email received from Aaron Freiser, a loyal follower of this blog. I’ve decided to reprint it in toto.
The moron majority’s worst nightmare. A gay man getting married, stomping on the confederate flag while avoiding housing discrimination in Texas and getting his marital blood test covered by Obamacare. Holy moly, all the states that seceded way back then are forced to allow all these black men and women, who so desire, to take out same sex marriage licenses.
Just think what is going on in the strategic planning centers of right wing groups. What to do!!!
How do they keep fighting the SCOTUS decision without looking like the reactionary jerks that they are?
Huckabee is on the cusp of calling for armed insurrection in the name of God and don’t forget that, as the hurricane season approaches, she (God) will take out her wrath on the USA.
An abortion is refused to a ten-year-old rape victim and Huckabee says “praise the lord” and “two wrongs do not make a right.”
Carson is screaming about abortion after doing research on fetal tissue and comparing Obamacare to Nazism.
Walker says “rescind the 14th amendment, cut funding to higher education, and of course, build a new NBA arena using public funds.
Bush blames Obama and Clinton for the rise of ISIS when the current chaos in the area is, in reality, a Bush family production. People actually buy this junk? The idea that Bush uses the same brains that W did explains it all and here we go again. Let’s plan for a Xmas 2016 invasion and make Netanyahu happy,
I get the impression that Paul just wants to get high and would rather be the Guru than the President.
I get the feeling that Cruz would rather be on Saturday Night Live and is always performing.
The Donald needs a volume to himself although, at times, he is the most logical of them all. He would support the Iran deal although he would go back to the table and renegotiate, eliminate unlimited contributions in politics and would increase money for Women’s health care (except Meghan Kelly).
It is amazing that he can insult everyone, spout platitudes about himself, make everything into a real estate deal and the world into a reality show. He has tapped into the anti- Obama anger although his views on immigration will have a negative impact on the overall voting population.
Now to the Iran deal; “all these schmucks that think that we can walk away and influence something better … how did you get elected in the first place”? In that regard Donald is correct?
All the rest of the GOP candidates are boring and will not be around very long, including Carly, who would probably lay off all federal workers, (remember HP)
Why is it that a religion that leans so heavily on love and acceptance can be hijacked by buffoon like characters whom all happen to be in leadership positions. In fact, some are current or former state governors who are running for president. This does not say much for the people who voted for them or who allow them their positions.
As an aside, I have begun to think that all these red states that have been hit the hardest by recent destructive storms better rethink there current politics. As my hero, Pat Robertson said, 9/11 and Katrina was caused by gay tolerance. It appears the Great Spirit has changed her mind and is indicating her desire for tolerance.
While I applaud the SCOTUS decisions, it is so easy to criticize the individual justices, “ Roberts uses logic to support Obamacare but is illogical when denouncing the same sex marriage decision”. Mummified justice Thomas states that slavery, in itself, does not diminish your dignity and Scalia compares the decision to a Nazi takeover (putsch). Sometimes you have to wonder if these should be lifetime positions.
In summary, if Washington doesn’t work with Obama, imagine what it would be like with Donald, Bush, Carson, Cruz, etc. I miss Bachman!! Let’s not forget; there is something strange in the air and we could see some surprises. Hmmmmmm! President Dole, Biden?
I cannot wait for Halloween!!
If you have anything you’d like to share (rant, diatribe, etc.), by all means, do so! Of course all submissions are subject to our strict editorial standards, in other words … none!
Image courtesy of bulldogza at
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