More good news out of Iowa for the surging septuagenarian, Bernie Sanders. In a new Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll, the Democratic presidential candidate is only 7 points behind Hillary Clinton in the race for the Iowa caucus. Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner, leads with 37 percent of likely Democratic caucusgoers, while Sanders follows at 30 percent.
A May Quinnipiac University poll showed Hillary’s support at 60 percent and that of Bernie at 15 percent!
The Clinton camp is starting to get worried. Will they have to resort to the “age card” to fend off the spry 73 year old?
Hillary Clinton at the age of 67 is a spring chicken compared to the Vermont Senator. The thinking in the Clinton camp, and among the chattering class, is that Bernie is just too old to become president. If Bernie were to succeed in his bid for the presidency, he would become the oldest person ever to be elected president.
I must admit, at times, I have felt Sanders has passed his presidential expiration date. But then I see and hear Bernie talk! He is so alive, so impassioned in his delivery that it makes one believe in the possibility of his quest. Compare Bernie’s enthusiasm to that of Jeb. That’s right, there is none! It is as if Jebbie is just going through the motions, not really believing in what he is saying. I’m afraid the exciting Jeb! logo has morphed into something new… Jeb?
If you believe Bernie is too old to become president, think of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. At age 82, she perhaps has the sharpest mind of any Supreme Court Justice. Compare her legal acumen to that of the much younger Clarence Thomas at age 67. Fuggetaboutit!
Here’s something else to consider. At age 73, Bernie Sanders is only one year older than Joe Biden. Yet no one’s talking about Joe being long in the tooth. It’s got to be the white hair. Yep, it’s Sanders’ hoary head that makes him look more ancient!
Bernie, Bernie, maybe a little Grecian Formula wouldn’t hoit? Just saying.
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(AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)
I’m betting if the Republicans get worried, they’ll use the age card and then go on to the “Jewish” card.
No doubt, William. Republicans can be a desperate lot.