The second prime-time Republican presidential debate will air this coming Wednesday, September 16th on CNN. If history is any guide, the debate will attract a significant viewership.
Here are the Top 10 questions I would ask all the candidates to answer:
- Do you believe the Earth is thousands or billions of years old?
- Do you believe the United States of America is a Christian nation?
- Do you agree with the Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage?
- Do you believe in a government shutdown if Planned Parenthood is not defunded?
- Do you agree with Roe v. Wade?
- Do you believe a person, based on their religious beliefs, should only follow a law if they think “it is right,” as proposed by Mike Huckabee?
- Knowing what we know now, do you believe the invasion of Iraq was a good idea?
- Do you agree with Donald Trump’s idea to build a 1900-mile fence along the U.S.- Mexico border and the deportation of 11 million immigrants?
- Do you believe President Obama is an American-born Christian?
- Do you agree with the Pope that global warming is man-made?
Will any of the moderators for the upcoming debate have the nerve to ask any of the above questions? While it is unlikely, I am hoping at least one of the questions will be asked of all the candidates. These would-be “leaders of the free world” need to be put on the spot.
Get out the popcorn. Should be a hoot of a debate!
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If I had to choose just one question, it would be #9. “Do you believe President Obama is an American-born Christian.”
In a recent poll, 54% of Republicans believe our president is a Muslim and 44% believe he was born outside the United States. Yes that would be a great question!
John: These are all great questions, which is why the GOP picked moderators for this debate will ask absolutely NONE of them. These are just Yes and NO questions, which would take no more than 5 minutes with merely a hands up or down and NONE of them will be asked. They don’t want the rest of the country to see what a clueless bunch of morons are running for President.
Thanks, Charlie. I’m hoping for just one!
1. This question is to try and trip up religious people. Carbon dating isn’t always accurate and there’s no way for anyone to know exactly. The earth is very very old as evidenced by dinosaurs. “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” Also, the first parts of Genesis sound an awful lot like the big bang.
2. Yes we are a Christian nation. 85% of black Americans identify as Christians as do the majority of white people and Hispanics are usually roman catholic.
3. No I do not agree with their ruling on marriage. It should be a state issue. Civil unions should be sufficient for the insurance purposes and such. Marriage is usually between a man, woman, and God. Churches should never be forced to marry homosexuals against their will. Much the same way as a gay Baker shouldn’t be forced to bake a cake for a straight couple and then ruined when he refuses. Privately owned businesses are just that.
4. It should never come to a shut down. Government shouldn’t be spending ANY money on abortions. The money should go to handing out birth control pills and maybe morning after so it will never get to that point. Since welfare and other programs will pay for you to raise a child the only reason why they want abortions is because they’re selfish and lazy. Shouldve thought about that before being a promiscuous harlot. I do however believe in a shutdown if they end up using tax payer money to pay for sex changes for military personnel like they’re trying to do. They have their right to surgery just not on our dime. If that is the case then we need to pay for jet skis for the members who just don’t feel “whole” without one. Also, they have been proven to have mental problems and we don’t want people with mental problems to have access to actual assault rifles unlike the neutered civilian versions. Do not want women serving in line units either. Chivalry is not dead and we do our best not to put them directly in harms way. They have the right to serve and make great pilots however.
5. Yes. Abortions should be legal and very very rare. If you outlaw abortions people will still find a way to get them. Much like how they make laws against drugs and murder, people still do it. Same thing with these evil communist unamerican scum who want to ban firearms. It will not work and is a bad idea.
6. If the law is a good and moral law then they will have to follow it. This is about the clerk who didn’t want to marry homosexuals. We wouldn’t be in this situation if we had civil unions. I also feel like these morons would be supporting a decision like that if it were a homosexual denying a Christian or islamist denying a Jew. The hypocrits don’t understand that jews are usually pretty liberal and the only country in that area who allows “pride” parades “celebrating” homosexuality instead of hanging them is Israel. Also they’re usually supportive of trashing second amendment rights too except for the JFPO. They know that one of shitlers first moves was to register and then confiscate privately owned arms. The rest is history..
7. Saddam was a murderous dictator who was constantly killing the minorities in Iraq. Hindsight being perfect we probably should’ve focused on Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran considering that after the first part most of the fighters and weapons came from Iran. Who knows if they actually had WMDs because before we invaded they stopped letting the inspectors drop in without notifying them ahead of time.. Much like the two week notice in the ludicrous Iran nuclear deal. We don’t tell the crack houses two weeks before that a raid will happen in two weeks do we? Idiots.
8. I agree with the fence part however I think if they want instant amnesty they will have to pay their back taxes from the time they were here along with any emergency room visits and anything else that they used and passed the costs on to the taxpayers. Not sure what the immigrants who went the legal route would think about that so it would be great to hear from them for some ideas too.
9. No. The first part is interesting because Ted Cruz was born in Canada to Americans and is legal to run for president and very very well qualified too I might add. The second part.. Actions speak louder than words and his actions have proven a bias against Christians and for radical islamists. I thought Bush #2 the RINO was bad but he definitely takes the cake as worst so far. He was raised by communists/socialists though so it doesn’t surprise me. His mother’s name is Stanley and her father named her that because he wanted a boy. Her classmates from Mercer island high school(noted for having several radical communist teachers) have said she was a communist and pretty radical for back then.
10. I believe that we need to offer very low tax rates on millionaires/billionaires ONLY if they keep their money and good paying jobs in the United States. If they outsource or have offshore bank accounts tax the shit out of them. It’s not a bad thing to be wealthy as long as you have earned it and don’t do unethical dealings. That’s the American dream after all. Also I don’t think it should be legal for foreign money to be used for political campaigns or other purposes like George Soros does.
I’d like to see more common sense in America and less people who care more about sports or the kartrashians than the news/politics. We are turning into a nation of idiots and politically correct sissys and its disturbing. We like to talk about diversity but stop short of actually enforcing it. We need to take the NBA and NFL to task for racism and Sexist actions against Asians, Hispanics, Homosexuals and Women because there sure aren’t very many of either playing.
Nice try Brian.
1.Radiocarbon dating can easily establish that humans have been on the earth for over twenty thousand years, at least twice as long as creationists are willing to allow. The only part of Genesis that sounds like the Big Bang Theory is when Adam banged Eve,
2.It doesn’t matter what people think. America WAS NOT founded as a Christian nation. Check out the First amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
3.Some states also claimed “states right” to keep their slaves. Marriage equality is a matter of equal protection under the law (something called the Constitution). The Supreme Court has spoken. No one is forcing churches to marry homosexuals, as you say.
4. I agree, there should be no shut down. No federal money goes towards abortion. You might want to check out the Hyde Amendment passed in 1976.
5. We agree again! Abortions should be legal (which they are) and rare.
6.Only follow a law if it is “good and moral?” Let’s see. We’ll pick and choose which laws to follow just like we pick and choose which parts of the Bible we will follow. Are you serious? Does the word anarchy mean anything to you?
7. Saddam was a bad dude. But his country did not attack us on 9-11. All the crap you are seeing in the Middle east can all be traced to the power vacuum we (Bush and his co-conspirators) created.
8. Building a 1900 mile fence would not solve the problem. Do you have any idea how futile and expensive that would be?
9. If Ted Cruz is an American, having been born in Canada to an American mother, then Obama is an American also. And, oh, last time I checked, Hawaii is part of the United States, unlike Canada.
10. “Trickle Down” economics and the wealthy are “job creators” are two of the biggest ruses ever created to make the rich richer. Wake up (unless you’re one of the greedy 1 percenters)
I suggest you broaden your news sources and stop relying solely on Faux News, Brian.
Nice Samuel. But you do know “facts” mean nothing to the close-minded. “There are none so blind as those who will not see.” have just proven yourself to be a racist. 85% of us african americans identify as Christians. I know that democrats and liberals usually are racists even though they’re brainwashed by the liberal mainstream media to believe that the other side is the racists. Did you know that a republican freed the slaves? No the parties didn’t switch sides later on either. Did you know that the kkk was started by a Democrat? Did you know that lbj increased all the social programs to try and make us mental slaves to the democrat vote? I’d rather have access to votec schools than welfare. Maybe us blacks would have more jobs if it wasn’t for the liberals giving handouts to the Mexicans that came here for low wages from big business and stay for the liberal promise of “free” housing, food, and healthcare. They always try to pander to the “less fortune” using tax payer dollars. I really dont think most liberals would like it if they placed the burden of funding of those programs solely on the democrats/liberals because they usually tend to be people sucking off the government teat which is why they always vote for bigger government. I gave detailed multi part answers why don’t you elaborate a little more about your solutions which I am going to assume involve socialism. I also never said anything about trickle down economics.. That’s a Bush thing and we all know that he created a lot of big brother things that are in my mind unconstitutional that Barry soetoro had the chance to strike down and didn’t. Bush was run by people behind the scenes with money and so is Barry. People who are hypocritical like Michael Bloomberg. He has a concealed carry permit along with several armed body guards and also sends his children to a school with armed guards. That is saying that people like you and your children(hopefully you don’t have any.. This next generation is screwed up enough as it is) are simpletons and not important enough to be protected.
John- facts mean everything to people like me. We do not base every decision on “feelings” and “emotions” like these silly people today. Don’t want to offend anyone with the truth do we? Why don’t you explain to me why it’s right for a homosexual to force straight people to do things they shouldn’t have to but when its reversed they’re bigots? That’s all these air heads seem to do is call people names though. Can’t win an argument with your emotions/feelings? Call then a bigot or racist. You will soon see that people are fed up with all of this liberal and if people supporting an idiot like trump just because he isn’t politically correct isn’t proof enough then maybe what happens a year from now will do. Remember.. There are a huge number of people who used to vote democrat because they were for the working class but now that no one is we are going to vote for the one who doesn’t want to turn America into a socialist police state. These idiots want to take away people rights to defend themselves but don’t like cops now either. What do you want? Less arms or less cops? You won’t have the first until the liberals have brainwashed everyone into being a immoral coward anyways. (2a is about more than that however but people who do not use logic wouldn’t understand.. They don’t realize that the founding fathers were mostly inventors and if it only applies to muskets then freedom of speech only applies to verbal and 1770s era printing presses). It’s really hard to understand the level of hypocrisy present in the liberal mindset but then again if you’re not being a hypocritical you’re not doing it right.
Brian, thanks for your comment and reply. Just wondering… do you believe in science, biology, physics etc. It seems to me many conservatives do not. To me, these areas of learning deal in facts. Read today’s satirical article on the teaching of evolution in Alabama schools. I do not believe being gay is a lifestyle just as being black is not a lifestyle (unless your that crazy woman Rachael Dolezal.) As a black man, I would think you understand what discrimination is all about. Homosexuals are not forcing anyone to do anything. They are just demanding their equal rights as guaranteed by the law.. much like blacks demanded to sit at that lunch counter at Woolworths. The Supreme Court has spoken. As for the second amendment, while I do not agree with the Supreme Courts interpretation, I accept it. I do believe in sensible gun laws… such as the mentally ill should not be able to purchase a gun. Something like 80% of Americans agree with that. No one is saying lets take all the guns away. Sensible gun laws, that’s all people are asking for. The internet machine is a great thing. If you don’t understand something or just want to see all sides of an issue, it’s a great source for differing views. Just saying.
Also hillaryous that the owner of this website believes that the “moron majority” is made up of conservatives.. Last time I checked over 50% was a majority and that’s the percentage of votes who went to Barry soetoro last election. I agree that most Americans these days are idiots however. If they weren’t shows like the kartrashians wouldn’t have such high ratings and would’ve been cancelled long ago. I hate to admit it but Bruce is probably the most sane, moral person of the group and can’t help but think that living with those vapid whores for so long might have made him think “I can be a better *woman* than these oxygen thief’s”
Brian, morons come in all shapes and sizes … and political persuasions. The name is mostly satirical. But facts show that the least educated Americans, you know the ones that keep voting against their economic interests because the Republican Party is so good with wedge issues, are conservatives. I will say I know a few educated people who qualify as morons!
My thoughts on religion are a little different than others. I think that God created the big bang and then mostly only intervened a few select times. Evolution is a fact however there a certain spots where we have jumps between species that are so large its not explainable. I do not believe that we came from monkeys like some do otherwise the monkeys would have evolved too. There are things going on right now that are working out according to “their” big plan. Get people divided between two parties that don’t actually care about anything but rich people and a one world government and hating each other for their beliefs? Check. Get rid of religion and usher in communism? Working on it. They used to use catholicism to control people in England which is why the pilgrims left. The bishops/priests were the only ones who were allowed to posses the bible. Much like the moslem radicals and the imams they didn’t want the average person to be able to read the real truth so they can brainwash and control them. It is not a peaceful religion although there are a few good people who misinterpret it and are the minority they call peaceful and use to say “see, these people are peaceful” so the radical majority doesn’t look as bad. Religion can be a great thing or it can be a bad thing. Catholics think the pope is infallible (perfect) and that you must go through an appointed church leader to speak to God. If “he” is truly omnipotent, and it is then you can think something and he will know it. That’s what happens when you mix paganism in with religion though. Their easter celebration for instance came from the fertility goddes ester who they used to sacrifice babies to which is where we get the colored eggs. Let me ask you this do you really think that their end game isn’t the banning of private ownership of arms? Feinestein said so herself and so have several others. What they do is slowly take away small rights here and there and add taxes here and there so only rich people like them cab afford to protect themselves. What is their definition of “common sense?” They want complete control of you and I but some people are so brainwashed into the talking points on MSNBC and from Bloomberg that they don’t want to see it and think everyone who disagrees is an evil “teabagger” or “repubtard” as a black man I do not take changes to the Constitution which granted me my freedom lightly. I also don’t take the brainwashed liberals who are slobbering at disarming everyone lightly either. What happens if they disarm everyone and then when some racist democrat decides that all black men are threats to the police? The jews didn’t think they would actually be rounded up until they were in the rail cars headed to aushwits. If you really think that the democrats are for the working class then why is Barry soetoro trying to fast track the trans Pacific trade partnership that will outsource even more jobs. All of the unions are against that. Please answer me as I’d like to know your thoughts. They try to portray us as evil racists but most conservatives I know would vote for Ben Carson before any white liberal. We also don’t like babies being tortured and we think that most all women and homosexuals should have concealed carry permits to protect against stronger thugs. Bloomberg shouldn’t be one of the only ones in NYC with a carry permit.
Religion is too thorny and big a topic to get into here. Suffice it to say I respect your religious beliefs as long as you do not try to impose them on me and your beliefs do not infringe on my constitutional rights. As for guns, there are about as many guns in the U.S. as there are Americans. When is enough, enough? I’m not that paranoid that I want to go everywhere carrying my assault rifle. By a large margin, Americans favor sensible gun regulations, not the disarming of those who possess guns. BTW- many responsible gun owners, those not in bed with the NRA, favor sensible gun regulations. I watch Fox News now and then to see what mis-information they are putting out. You should watch MSNBC once in a while. I recommend Chris Hayes or Rachel Maddow. It won’t mean you’re a liberal nor will it corrupt your brain. It’s a good thing to see both sides of an issue… yourself. Last thing… Ben Carson, really??? The man talks in a whisper, has no experience in government and has not laid out any policy positions. Why would you vote for him? Granted he’s the most honorable guy in the bunch.
Enjoy the debate!
How did you get an assault rifle? Are you a class 3 dealer or manufacturer? Guessing maybe you have a moder sporting rifle that if youre truly a liberal you have no business owning. I would recommend a compact or sub compact for daily carry. I don’t much care for open carry but it should be way easier to get a concealed carry permit in states like NY. I agree that violent felons don’t need them but that’s already a law. I think the laws are close to as good as they’ll get as they are right now. In fact I think it should be easier for someone with no criminal record to own a suppressor. We need stricter punishments for people who use firearms to commit other crimes. We can’t ban them because we tried banning drugs and the “war on drugs” was a big waste of money. Criminals do not follow laws anyways. These people who want to ban a certain type of firearm because it looks more dangerous than another even though the other still functions the same would be of the same mind to ban me from walking around certain whitewashed liberal communities because “being black I look more dangerous than the white hipster” even though we’re both humans. I don’t like trump at all because he is selfish and likely racist. Can’t stand any of the democrats nowadays. I voted for Kerry a long time ago when he was better at pretending not to be a chicken shit anti semite. I used to enjoy stohn jewart and Colbert but now I find myself disgusted with main stream news. You have one pseudo conservative channel(faux news who pushes big business scum like jeb bush instead of someone who is a proven great conservative like cruz) and the rest are extremely liberal. I hear about a vast right wing conspiracy but they only have one halfass channel for their views. Can’t stand maddow cause even though she claims to be lesbian by her lack of criticizing the Messiah bho you’d think she was intimate with him.
I do not own an assault rifle nor do I ever want to.
People used to be more moderate but now that the left has gone so liberal and the right are mostly rino shills for big business I’d have to say I consider myself a classical liberal.. A libertarian. We believe that as long as it doesn’t directly affect us it doesn’t matter what homosexualsor anyone else do behind closed doors.
By the way, I do watch msnbc occasionally to see what kind of spin that side has and the other day they completely trashed one of the 35-40 year old looking white guy who disagreed with the Iran “deal”
Also, I do not in any way support changing the 14th amendment or any other amendment. The first guarantees almost absolute free speech, not just verbal or things printed on 1770s era printing presses. The second guarantees the right to have roughly the same arms as our military in case big brother gets too big for his britches. The people who want to change that need to remember how much they disliked Bush and how theyd feel if Bush started trying to earnestly destroy this country(he didn’t hate America he just loved money) and persecute liberals like the current folks do to conservatives and Christians.
I just can’t stand Bloombergs guns for me but not for thee attitude..I really feel like he is one of those insider trading wall street scumbags. I’m all for a person getting wealthy if they don’t completely screw people over in the process. You usually don’t get that wealthy without doing so. Funny how they take risks and gamble but when they win they keep the money and when they lose we pay for it because “they’re too big to fail.” I don’t think either of us would be too big to be evicted if we quit paying bills do you?
There is a saying, “Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.”