The man who hates quitters, may himself be a quitter. Donald Trump told Chuck Todd, host of NBC’s “Meet The Press,” that if his poll numbers started going south, he would leave the GOP race and go back to his business.
“Number one — I’m not a masochist,” said Trump. “And if I was dropping in the polls where I thought I wasn’t gonna win, why would I continue? I’d go back to my business. I have no problem with that.”
Finally, the long awaited Trump exit strategy!
As anyone who has been following the polling will tell you, Trump’s national poll numbers are all headed in one direction: down. This was inevitable; as predictable as your Aunt Ruthie flying south to Florida every winter. The old line of “I’ll tell you what I’ll do once I’m in office … trust me, I’ll make this country great” is wearing thin for a number of Trump supporters. They are starting to see through the con. They are gravitating to candidates with real policy chops.
You can only defy political gravity for so long. Yes, there will always be a group of hardcore Trumpites who will stick with the showman no matter what. But at perhaps 20% of Republican voters, they just aren’t enough to seal the deal for Trump. I’m going to go out on a limb here, but I believe this scenario was always his plan.
Will he run as a third party candidate? Fuggedaboutit! With all his early bluster of not ruling out a third party run, the man was doing what any good businessman would do. The guy who wrote “The Art Of The Deal” was simply using his leverage. He has not intention, nor did he ever, of making good on what was always a bargaining chip.
If Trump’s goal was to market his brand to the largest possible audience, he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. If his goal was to bring down the early Republican frontrunner, Jeb Bush, he did so fabulously. If his goal was to entertain people normally not involved with politics and create a ratings bonanza for the media, he is a superstar!
There is no doubt Trump will milk this for all it’s worth. Only Trump will know the right time to retreat. But once the table turns against him, like any smart gambler, he will pick up his chips and cash out big time, all the while thinking, “All went according to Hoyle! Those losers!”
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Know when to “hold ’em”, know when to “fold ’em”.
The man who wrote “The Art Of The Deal” is no dope.
He’ll be gone by South Carolina primary.
Feb. 20, 2016? I’m thinking before.
The Un-Official Trump Immigration Policy
Our great nation deserves a great leader who has great ideas. We are in the midst of a pivotal point in our country’s history where our collective political decisions are poised to alter the culture of the world. Mr. Trump is the guy we need. Look past the fact that he is an excellent business mind and a lover of all people, he has extraordinary and creative ideas for the betterment of our nation. His take on immigration and the policy plans he intends to implement are exactly what we need.
According to the Pew Center Hispanic Trends Project, there is an estimated 11.7 million illegal immigrants in our country right now. Mr. Trump’s first order of business regarding immigration would be to deport that population of undocumented immigrants to their original country of origin. When Trump was asked how he planned to round up 12 million people, which are scattered across the states and are not going to want to be found, he responded with “We are going to do it”. No doubt he has a plan we will just have to take his word on that one. It doesn’t really matter how he does it as long as we legal citizens are able to get those highly sought after jobs back. Americans are tired of not being able to sit behind the local hardware store before the break of dawn to get picked up to go work for contractors where we can get paid less than minimum wage on home construction sites for 12 hours a day.
Of course the deportation of all of those immigrants would be futile if we didn’t establish a way to make sure they never came back. This is where Trump distinguishes himself from the rest of the candidates. He came up with a plan to build a wall across the entire Mexican-American border. Many skeptics have scoffed at this idea saying that it would cost too much money and that we wouldn’t be able to find a work force to build the wall. Trump’s solution to that is simple. We just make Mexico pay for the wall and we use the immigrants that we deport from America to build the wall that will keep them out. We just have to make sure that when they get near the completion of the wall that the immigrants are on the Mexican side that way they aren’t stuck in America with no way to return home. This plan only has one flaw. The wall will be able to keep out people trying to immigrate from the southern border but won’t help at all in keeping out people trying to come in from everywhere else. There are increasing numbers of Chinese immigrants coming across the Canadian border and nobody seems to care. Let us not also forget the people who swim to America from Africa and Europe. The only way to keep America truly safe is to turn it into a giant fortress. We have to continue that wall all the way up the East and West coasts and across the northern border. This is guaranteed to ensure the safety of our citizens from the increasingly dangerous immigrant crisis.
The final step in the Trump immigration plan is to end birthright citizenship. People from all over the world purposely get pregnant and come to the United States right before they are due to have their child. As soon as that child is born it and its’ parents are given American citizenship. This undermines the very fabric of our nation’s constitution. Trump plans to repeal the 14th amendment and dissolve the citizenship of anyone who obtained it by these means. Seeing as how this practice has gone on for many generations this would mean a vast majority of Americans would be sent back to wherever they came from. We know what you are thinking… Why stop there? Why not revoke the citizenship of anyone who immigrated here or has ancestors who immigrated here without the consent of America’s original people? We agree and that is why the new plan essentially deports all people who fit into that category. Unfortunately, the original inhabitants of America are the American Indians so anyone who came here post Christopher Columbus will have to return to their native lands. Mr. Trump is like no other candidate in American history. He is the greatest advocate for American Indian rights the world has ever seen. He loves the American people and wants to give them back what is rightfully theirs.
This is the “unofficial” immigration policy? Where do we find the real McCoy?
Thus was just a satire. The real policy is on trump’s website just Google search it
I know it was satire. Good job.
Hello John have you written anything that explains the whole Benghazi/Hillary Clinton debacle occurring right now? I see all this stuff on the news and online but I don’t really fully understand why it’s happening. Thanks
Watching the hearing now. Will most likely have something to say about the it later.
John Hancock … check out today’s post.
john hancock ur prose is priceless. my question to trump is “who is going to mow the lawns, wash dishes in a restaurant and clean the houses if all illegal mexis are deported?” and your point about about whites lining up for construction work @ min wage is spot on. why haven’t these important questions been asked?
Maybe your question about who will mow the lawns if 11 million Mexicans are deported will be asked of Trump at the next Republican debate… Not!