“Bless me Father for I have sinned. It has been 48 years since my last confession. Oh Holy Father, I foolishly believed you secretly met with that four-time divorcee and Evangelical martyr, Kim Davis while on your visit to Washington D.C. I did believe you supported her in her efforts to deny marriage licenses to same sex couples. I thought you were cool with her disobeying the law and refusing to do the job she was elected to do. I will never doubt you again.”
The plot to undermine Pope Francis is slowly being reported by some news outlets. But it will never make the headlines or have the legs as the original bombshell of the pontiff’s “secret audience” with Mrs. Davis. To many progressives, the news came as a major disappointment and undermined all the good will generated by the pontiff during his first visit to the United States. When Kim Davis bragged about how the Pope supported her position and how that “kind of validates everything,” it was almost too much for many of the Pope’s admirers to bear.
But now we learn, through the Vatican press office, that the only one-on-one meeting the Pope had during his time in Washington, D.C. was with Yayo Grassi, an openly gay man and former student of the Pope’s. Kim Davis was just one of a group of admirers with whom the Pope exchanged kind pleasantries. The brief meeting should not be interpreted as an endorsement of her views, the press office emphasized.
Did the meeting with Davis come about because of the Pope’s request? No, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who scheduled all of the Pope’s D.C. meetings, arranged it. The Archbishop is well known for not being a fan of the current pope but a big supporter of his more conservative predecessor, Pope Benedict.
During his U.S. visit, Pope Francis made a deliberate attempt to stay away from hot-button issues, such as abortion and same sex marriage. In fact, he did not refer to those issues in any of his speeches.. That’s what made the news of the private meeting with Davis seem so incongruous.
Was the meeting a mistake or a deliberate act by the Archbishop to embarrass the Pope?
In an effort to make it clear that the Holy See in no way endorses Kim Davis’ bigotry, the New York Times is reporting that Vigano is “likely to be removed at the first respectable opportunity” if blowback from the meeting with Davis continues to build.
“What was that, Holy Father, three “Hail Marys” and two “Our Fathers” … or the other way around?”
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Who would of thought that the Teapublicans would try to take advantage of the Pope’s visit for their own political gains? Stupid me.
I found it very hard to believe the story of the “private meeting” when I first read about it. But it was so widely reported I thought it must be true. Even then I didn’t believe the Pope was endorsing that bigoted “Christian.” Hence my article on the Pope being confused about the “Kim” he was meeting with. The Pope has a lot of enemies from within the Vatican. I will never doubt this pope again.