Today’s Grand Old Party appears to be on a kamikaze mission. Chaos and open warfare has erupted among its ranks. But unlike those World War II Japanese pilots who intentionally flew their planes into U.S. battleships, today’s Republican Party is racing towards its own demise voluntarily out of sheer stupidity.
One could say Piyush Jindal’s “party of stupid” will never learn its lesson. (The Party Of Stupid Just Can’t Help Itself) They are facing the real possibility of a death otherwise preventable.
With a few candidates already having fallen by the wayside (Walker, Perry), the serious talk has turned to whether any of the three “non-politicians” leading in the polls have any chance of securing the Republican presidential nomination. The consensus among the chattering class is “no.” That leaves many to wonder who will be the Republican standard bearer for 2016?
The early establishment favorite, Jeb!, is going nowhere fast. It’s been one gaffe after another. Even with all that establishment backing and those deep-pocketed donors, he has proven himself to be anything but presidential (I know, that didn’t prevent his brother from being elected).
Marco Rubio has been getting a good second look by many Republican elites. But the Cuban-American is a little too wet behind the ears. And, most importantly, he does not fire up the base a/k/a the mob of radicals in no mood for business as usual. The new thinking is that the other first term senator, Ted Cruz, could actually become the Republican nominee.
Yes, the man born in Canada to a Cuban father could, with a little luck, become the Republican Party’s hope of winning back the White House. The reasoning goes like this: with Trump and Carson out of the race, Cruz would be the natural beneficiary of all those angry, no-compromise-no-more-business-as-usual-fundamentalist-Evangelical voters.
Yes, he is a sitting U.S. Senator which normally would make one an insider, but the firebrand has been a thorn in the side of the Republican establishment since entering the Senate in 2012. Ted Cruz is given much kudos by rabid Republicans for sticking to his guns (excuse the pun) and not compromising… with anyone! Many view his engineering of the government shutdown in 2013 as a demonstration of strength; proof positive of his true conservative bona fides.
If Cruz were to become the Republican presidential nominee, the Republican Party, as we know it, is cooked. It won’t matter if the Democratic nominee is Clinton, Sanders, Biden or SpongeBob SquarePants. The defeat would be crushing and fatal. The GOP could very well go the way of the Whigs and the dodo bird. While the adults in the GOP will try to shore up a Bush or Christie, it will be to no avail. You cannot change the minds of those who’ve completely lost heads.
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Yeah, let the Repugs nominate a man who engineered a government shutdown and cost the country millions, as there nominee! R.I.P GOP.
Sadly (or should I say “What a great idea!”) that is possible.
The prospects of Cruz being the GOP standard bearer is truly frightening. The sad part is that GOP voters, who no doubt would not vote for him in a primarily may actually vote for this loon in a general election. How else does a guy like him get elected? Remember when its down to only two choices, its and up or down vote. That is truly scary when he’s one of the choices for the low informed voter.
Yes, it’s scary but it would be the best thing to happen to this country. I have no doubt he would lose in a landslide and it would bring about the end of the GOP as we now know it. It’s either him or Rubio. I don’t see Jeb! making a comeback.