Jeb Bush just cut his campaign payroll by 40 percent in order to spend more money on ads in the early primary states. According to Bush, this will allow his campaign to operate more “lean and mean” going forward. When asked if the changes signaled trouble for his presidential bid, he said, “It means I have the ability to adapt.”
Campaign officials have said they will be directing more resources into early voting states such as Iowa, South Carolina and, most importantly, New Hampshire. “We are moving our resources into the states to ensure that voters in primary states and caucus states are introduced to his record and vision of the future, “ Bush spokeswoman Kristy Campbell said.
Jeb and company may want to rethink their new campaign strategy. His campaign recently spent $5 million on ads in New Hampshire and his poll numbers increased by a paltry .03%. At that rate, Bush may need a few of Donald Trump’s billions to see any meaningful upward tick.
The Republican establishment is getting desperate. No one figured Donald Trump and Ben Carson would have the staying power that they’ve had. According to the most current New Hampshire poll (Bloomberg), Bush is in third place (10%) behind Trump (24%) and Carson (17%).
What Bush’s backers are refusing to see (or admit) is that Republican primary voters do not need to be “introduced” to Jeb and his “vision of the future.” They simply do not want him as their candidate.
With all the early money behind him, Jeb has proven himself to be a poor candidate (excuse the pun). It has been one continuous string of gaffes for the bumbling candidate. But most importantly, he is being weighed down by an anchor around his neck that cannot be removed. It is his family name.
It is only a matter of time before Jeb’s generous donors see the writing on the wall. Oh, how Mama Bush was right! (What’s Wrong With Jeb!)
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