I occasionally will watch Fox News. You know, to see how the Republican propaganda machine will spin the day’s news (OK, I like to gaze upon Fox’s foxy Megyn Kelly!).
Last night Megyn had a group of about 25-30 Republican voters she quizzed on their take of the third Republican presidential debate. The most interesting segment of her show came towards the end when she discussed a few of the “untruths” spouted by some of the candidates.
Marco Rubio was asked about his poor handling of his personal finances:
MODERATOR: Senator Rubio, you yourself have said that you’ve had issues. You have a lack of bookkeeping skills. You accidentally inter-mingled campaign money with your personal money. You faced foreclosure on a second home that you bought. And just last year, you liquidated a $68,000 retirement fund. That’s something that cost you thousands of dollars in taxes and penalties. In terms of all of that, it raises the question whether you have the maturity and wisdom to lead this $17 trillion economy. What do you say?
RUBIO: Well, you just – you just listed a litany of discredited attacks from Democrats and my political opponents, and I’m not gonna waste 60 seconds detailing them all.
Megyn told her panel, after some fact checking, it was determined that everything the moderator said about Rubio’s poor financial acumen was true.
So not only is Rubio a poor manager of his personal finances … he’s a bald-faced liar!
Megyn then asked her Republican panel members if any of this mattered to them. I believe two people raised their hands.
News outlets have a field day fact checking statements made by politicians after debates. It is very clear that facts, or lies, do not matter so much to your average Republican voter. How else could one explain the level of support for Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson (or the entire Republican field for that matter!).
Photo | salon.com
I’m sure there are many conservative male viewers who feel the same as you!
About Megyn or that Republicans could care less about facts, lies?
That is the problem with the low information voter. They don’t really give a damn about facts or truth. They only care about who they hate and how can we get that person out of office or never in office. John, remember that old joke, “How can you tell when a lawyer is lying?” Answer: When his lips are moving. That answer is to the new questions of how can you tell when a GOP Presidential candidate is lying? If you counted how many lies the 11 guys on the stage made this past Tuesday, it would blow your mind. In fact, the only guys who actually spoke of some truth were Rand Paul and John Kesich and they are unelectable. Huckabee spoke truth and facts when he spoke of Medicare and Social Security, which most of these guys want to gut. Carly wants NO MINIMUM WAGE at all. After all she brought down HP to its knees and then talks about how this guy Jenkins now supports her. Google him and you’ll see that he is KOCH BROTHERS 2. Bush destroyed Florida. Carson gets his instructions from god. Trump is a clown. Rubio, Cruz and Christie pander to whoever is listening. And they say that the Dems didn’t talk about programs!!!!. These guys talk about watching out for the poor and middle class, yet all propose a flat tax or progressive tax that ONLY helps the rich. My wife says I watch to punish myself. Actually I watch to see how this group of 1% intend to fool their constituency into voting for them. Its amazing that one of these fools will actually get up to 47 % of the country to vote for them, all voting against their interests based upon pipe dreams and lies.
Charlie, you nailed it. You should consider writing a guest article.
I used to get into heated discussions with some family members (yes, a few are Repugs). No more. What’s the point of using facts and logic in your arguments when those things are of no meaning to the person you are having a discussion with? I think the saying goes something like this : “You can’t change the thinking of someone with a closed mind.”