After the kerfuffle over questions asked by the CNBC moderators at last week’s Republican presidential debate, the Fox Business Network, host of next week’s fourth debate, has made a dramatic concession to the candidates. Mostly at the urging of Sen. Ted Cruz, the debate will be moderated by Fox’s Sean Hannity and, most importantly, candidates will be supplied with debate questions in advance.
Here are some of the questions Hannity plans to ask the candidates:
Sen. Cruz: “Why do you think Democrats like to give away “free stuff?” Are they not just trying to buy votes?
Gov. Christie: “Do you think the bogus “Bridgegate scandal” was blown out of proportion by the liberal media?”
Gov. Bush: “ Why are so many Democrats criticizing your brother’s presidency? Don’t they realize he kept America safe?”
Gov. Kasich: “When you were quoted as having said some of your fellow Republicans in the presidential race were ‘just crazy,’ you were misquoted, weren’t you?
Ms. Fiorina: “ Your record as the successful CEO of Hewlett-Packard has been described by some business leaders as a disaster. This is just envy, isn’t it?”
Sen. Rubio: “ You’ve been attacked as someone who is unable to handle his own personal finances. Isn’t it true, despite your humble beginnings, you were able to fully pay off your student loans in a timely fashion?”
Gov. Huckabee: “Some people say you sell worthless products to a gullible Evangelical base. Don’t you think this is just part of the liberals’ war against religion?”
Dr. Carson: “You say you were asked to run for the presidency by God. Why do so many liberal-communist- atheists have a problem with that?
Sen. Paul: “Why does the liberal media say that you are prone to plagiarism? You write your own material and give credit where credit is due… isn’t that right?
Mr. Trump: “People say many of your buildings were built by immigrant labor. Isn’t it true you pay all your workers well and offer great benefits? And you do not do the actual hiring, isn’t that correct?
The Republican presidential candidates should be more than happy with the new Fox “debate” format.
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I always did well on open book tests when I already knew the questions. Do these jokers think they are trying to get into college or run the best country on earth where every day something unexpected happens. These guys are a joke. Questions too hard? Haven’t any one of these guys had to do a debate before? The idea of a debate is to try to see if you can think on your feet and not only get your pre marketed ideas. These guys don’t answer the questions they are asked anyway. They say what they want to say to get their “message” out. If all the questions are canned, there will be no reason to watch. The whole idea was to watch them fuck up. Now they can just record the fucking thing in advance.
Yes, without “gotcha” questions, what fun is it watching the “debates!” We want to keep this show “reality TV.”