Why is it whenever I hear Dr. Ben Carson speak I think of that line from “Scarface?” You know, when Elvira Hancock (Michelle Pfeiffer) tells Tony Montana (Al Pacino), “Don’t get high on your own supply.”
As a physician, Dr. Carson has easy access to all types of medications. I’m not accusing him of sampling his own drugs, but you have to admit he does come off as someone who is medicated.
Words coming out of his mouth lately make no sense. He is offering word-salads that make Sarah Palin sound like a Rhodes Scholar.
Take for example this latest episode of reporters trying to ask Carson about his past:
“There is a desperation on behalf of some to try to find ways to tarnish me because they’ve been looking through everything, they have been talking to everybody I’ve ever known, everybody I’ve ever seen,” Carson told reporters at a media availability in Florida.
“‘There’s got to be a scandal. There’s got to be some nurse he’s had an affair with. There’s got to be something.’ They have gotten desperate,” Carson continued. “Next week, it will be my kindergarten teacher who said I peed in my pants. It’s ridiculous. But it’s OK because I totally expect it.”
This outburst was atypical for the otherwise cool and calm Dr. Carson. He truly seemed annoyed and agitated as never before. This was a striking departure from the laid-back personality he has displayed on the campaign trail.
There are a few explanations for Dr. Carson’s most recent behavior. It could be that the grind of the campaign trail is getting to him. He admitted, “A lot of times people say, ‘Why would someone who has had a wonderful career get involved in the dirty world of politics?’ I frequently ask myself that when I wake up in the morning. It is a dirty world.”
Another explanation could be that whether medication he takes to keep calm and mellow was wearing off.
Of course it could just be that the brilliant, 64-year-old brain surgeon, is simply losing his mind.
Photo | theguradian.com
It could just be that he’s cray- cray
Yes, the law of Occam’s razor at play.
John…..you may be Corectomundo……..His eyes tell the real story….I wish the public could just see what you see….well…they have a year to figure it out…say a BIG prayer.
Unfortunately. the good doctor Carson will not be the Republican nominee. I say unfortunately because I would love for him to be the GOP pick. As I like to say … the doctor is laughing all the way to the blood bank.