People ask why did Donald Trump accept the invitation to host NBC’s “Saturday Night Live,” especially after the network fired him as host of “The Apprentice” and dropped his beauty pageants due to derogatory comments made about Mexicans? And why would NBC still do business with the man who basically forced the RNC to cancel NBC’s Republican presidential debate set for early next year?
Of course, the answer to both questions is simple: ratings. NBC profits from the “huge” viewership that Trump brings to any TV appearance. Trump, on the other hand, gets to market his brand to a large national audience. It’s what’s generally known as a “win-win” situation.
I will admit I stayed up to watch the entire show. How else was I going to critique it?
I am old enough to remember when SNL was funny. Those were the days of Chevy Chase, Dan Akroyd, Bill Murray and Eddie Murphy, just to name a few SNL stars that went on to bigger and better things.
“Saturday Night Live” is no longer funny… unless stupid and crass humor is your cup of tea. Maybe that’s what today’s youngins want. Maybe I’m too old to know what’s cool (or should I say, rad or sick?)
Donald Trump was featured in only a few skits and his roles could best be described as “cameo.” About the only funny performance was that of Larry David impersonating Bernie Sanders being interviewed by Rachel Maddow.
Will Trump’s appearance help or hurt him in the polls? I tend to doubt Trump could care, one way or the other. It’s all about promoting his brand. And anyway, as has been proven, I doubt there is anything Trump can do to hurt his poll numbers.
Trump told Fox’s Bill O’Reilly he exercised editorial control over some of the skits on last night’s show. It seems he must have nixed the funny ones.
The one thing Trump was able to do by accepting SNL’s invitation to host the show is mobilize Latino voters to get out and vote against the man who so openly denigrates them.
Photo | NBC
Breaking News – According to NBC, with Donald Trump hosting, Saturday Night Live jumped to its biggest overnight rating since 2012. Entertainment Weekly.
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