We Americans are shocked and saddened to learn of the massacre that has taken place within your country. We mourn for the dead and those injured in this most senseless, cowardly act by a bunch of Islamic radicals. Hopefully you will go through your period of grief and find the strength and resolve to go forward. Hopefully your political leaders will take the measured steps necessary to respond to this attack and not make the horrible mistakes made by our leaders after 9/11.
Please understand that there is a minority fringe in this country that will use your tragedy to further their political agenda. They will exploit your misfortune for their gain. Some will be elected officials, including current Republican presidential candidates.
These heartless, embarrassing excuses for human brings do not represent the vast majority of Americans. As a nation we stand with you, one of our country’s greatest allies. We are fortunate to have a president who will undoubtedly do all he can for your country during this dark moment.
Please accept that when a politician, such as Newt Gingrich, blames your citizens for this massacre partly because your people do not carry concealed weapons, you are hearing the logic of an idiot.
Please realize that when a Republican presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, calls for the indiscriminate use of air strikes “against the enemy,” he is catering to a frightened American populace for political advantage. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter to many conservatives in this great country that Sen. Cruz does not specify where these airstrikes should take place or what they should be targeting.
Above all, we pray that your citizens do not fall prey to your own political extremists and opportunists who will seek to exploit your loss and divide your country for their own political advancement.
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How true. I am here in Israel and not one word from Bibi. How embarrassing as a Jew that he says absolutely nothing and then expects the world to support him. Listening to Fixx news here (only one on besides CNN) and am embarrassed as an American to listen to the likes of Cruz and some retired military assholes who look to put the blame on Obama for this. The blame lies squarely on the shoulders of Bush 43 and his cronies who after invading Iraq left a vacuum in the region which has been filled by Isis. Until the world & Fixx news recognizes and acknowledge s this, the far right fear and pandering will continue to take place.
I am glad you and Gloria are safe. So pathetic reading various blog comments today. It’s all Obama’s fault, he should be impeached, he should have put boots on the ground in Syria, he’s weak, he’s a Muslim sympathizer, he said ISIS was contained, etc. That Bush and Cheney are walking around as free men, living in the lap of luxury, while innocent people die and are maimed because of their actions (inaction) just makes me sick. I firmly disapprove of the death penalty, I could change my mind in a heartbeat for Cheney. Bush might be able to claim mental incompetence and get a bye.
Cheney’s sentence should be living alone in exile in Guantanamo Bay. Death would be too easy.
I agree!