It didn’t take long. While paramedics were still attending to the dead and injured in the Paris massacre, the word was out: it’s all Obama’s fault.
The radical right, in essence, blamed President Obama for failing to thwart the Paris terrorist attacks. In fact, some commenters on the blogosphere suggested our Muslim, terrorist- loving president was glad to see the carnage take place! The usual suspects labeled our Commander-in-Chief weak and detached. A modern day Neville Chamberlain, if you will. As one writer observed, “We should have nuked Syria when Assad crossed over Obama’s red line.”
In an ironic juxtaposition, many blog sites today carried the story of ex-CIA George Tenet and Cofer Black’s blistering critique of the Bush administration’s failure to heed warnings, in the spring of 2001, of an impending Al Qaeda attack within the U.S.
In a bombshell interview with Politico, the former CIA director during President George W. Bush’s administration claimed his department informed White House officials over imminent Al Qaeda attacks months before the president received the infamous “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” presidential briefing.
But the Bush-Cheney team didn’t seem to care much about the intelligence the CIA chief was making known them.
“To me it remains incomprehensible still,” said Black, the CIA’s chief of counterterrorism. “I mean, how is it that you could warn senior people so many times and nothing actually happened? It’s kind of like The Twilight Zone.”
What many Obama-blamers do not comprehend is that the world is the mess that it is due directly to the actions (inaction) of the Bush administration. They do not see the link between Bush’s destabilization of the Middle East with a war of choice against Iraq and the hell that is the Middle East today. They do not understand that in reality, Bush, not Obama, is responsible for the terrorist attacks in Paris.
Whether Bush and his gang of neocons willfully ignored the pre-9/11 warnings or were grossly negligent in responding to those warnings needs to be determined once and for all. Whether Bush & Company fabricated the WMD story as a pretext for war, we as Americans deserve to know. And if war crimes were committed, those responsible need to held to account so that justice can prevail.
A Cheney behind bars and a Bush committed to a mental institution would send a powerful message to the world about American values.
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John: you hit the nail on the head with this. The Neo cons fail to take responsibility for what they caused, feeling more comfortable in blaming Obama for his failure to contain what they wrought. Wha cowards and whiners. Instead of commenting they should be in jail.
Nothing constructive is never said from these criminals, only fear, hatred and laying blame.
pres.Obama, is a fine descent man..!!!!!!!.We seniors had seen so much corruption!!!!!……WHAT the corrupt, dirty Bush/Chaney administration did to US….our america to Iraq is not real!!! .Attacking a nation, based on lies…oh…”weapons of mass destruction”…when the children were dying by the thousands, for lack of milk, when cancer patients could not have radiation theraphy, for it was considered a “weapon of mas-destruction”??/!!! …HOw just how sick my new homeland, my beloved country can get????o!!!!… How sick can we get?????….Saddam the idiot did quetly ask america before he tried to take back part of his OIL RICH region, that was taken from them, /the big powers drew a straight line, /to have a refuling station for their war-plains/….making some filthy poor beduins filthy rich…!…and they still are the “dirt of society” …hey their little kids already milllionairs..yak!..can not even get up their ass to get a glass of water…they call their “cheep ” sevents, .treat people like slaves they import…/w/no oppertunity for citizenship…yak….Oh, excuse me, they are our “friends/allies”…well they got the oil..!!!
And to think the Bush/Cheney crowd are still walking around as free men! Where is the justice?
The Obama-blamers include the millions of GOP voters who have been told what to think by the propaganda machine. President Obama is a convenient “enemy” to the party, who cannot have the voters know who the real enemy is – them.
For sure, William.