As with the first Democratic presidential debate hosted by CNN, the second debate sponsored by CBS did not produce a clear winner. Hillary supporters will claim she won the debate; Sanders supporters will say he was the winner and O’Malley supporters, all seven, will give him the nod.
Unlike the case with the Republican presidential candidates, there are very few policy differences among the Democrats. It is more about the details of those policies, whether it’s on healthcare, Wall Street, campaign finance or a fairer tax system.
The dynamics of the Democratic race have not changed. Barring an act of god, a Bill Clinton sex scandal or damaging revelations about the Clinton Foundation (Clinton Foundation … The Real Hillary Scandal), Hillary Clinton will become the Democratic presidential nominee.
Unfortunately for Democrats, there is some significant resistance against a Clinton nomination among progressives within the Party. Some have said flat out they would only vote for Sanders in the general election. It is hard to believe, but some progressives have a hatred for anything Hillary that almost rivals that of some Republican conservatives.
This could be problematic if progressives stay home on Election Day and do not support their party’s nominee.
All Democrats need to take a deep breath. The presidential election is just about one year from now. Passions will surely cool among progressives given the possibility of a President Trump or Carson or Cruz or Rubio or Bush or…!
Photo | AP
Progressives better start thinking with their heads, not hearts. President Cruz … really?
Nightmare on Elm Street!
What’s so hard to believe about it??? Progressives, especially Black progressive voters, remember what her husband did when he was in office and what it resulted in for our community. And it ain’t got nothing to do with a blue dress and a blow job.
You think Bill Clinton was bad for your community? Just wait to see what the Republicans,any of them, will do for you (or to you). If it means holding my nose to vote for Hillary, I will do so. This country cannot, must not, have Republicans holding all three branches of government.