Hillary and Bill Clinton have been hated by the right since first stepping onto the national stage in 1992.
From the Republican perspective, it has been one scandal after another; from early “Travelgate” to the recent “Emailgate.” During the two Clinton administrations, conservatives feasted on Whitewater, secretive Hillary healthcare task force meetings, the Vince Foster “suicide,” lost Rose Law firm billing records, renting of the Lincoln bedroom, John Huang, Mark Rich “Pardongate,” Monica Lewinsky and the Clinton impeachment.
Surprisingly, hatred of all things Clinton is not limited to the opposition party. There is a very strong dislike coming from within the ranks of Democrats, most notably Party Progressives.
Progressives, who overwhelmingly favor Bernie Sanders, see Hillary Clinton as a political opportunist; one prone to political expediency. She is not seen as a true, trustworthy champion of the liberal agenda. Many Progressives she her as a moderate Republican too cozy with Wall Street and the moneyed interests who support her super PAC and Clinton Foundation.
The fact that many in her own party do not like or trust her would not normally be a problem. Progressives have found their hero in Sanders and will support him in the primaries. But what if Bernie is not the nominee?
For many Progressives, the idea of voting for Hillary if she were to become the Democratic nominee is a nonstarter. It’s Bernie or bust. Even though they might see Hillary as the lesser of two evils, many have vowed to stay away from the polls.
Are these the fickle feelings of childish Democrats or are they genuine? Would a Democrat not vote for their party’s nominee based on their dislike for the candidate’s progressive purity, making the possibility of a President Trump or Cruz more likely? I hope not.
Progressives are a passionate bunch. I am betting cooler heads will, in the end, prevail.
Photo | dailycaller.com
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