The more I watch and listen to Jeb Bush, the more I’m convinced his mother, Barbara Bush, offered him some sage advice when he was contemplating a run for the presidency: Don’t.
Jeb, the supposedly smarter Bush brother, has turned into a perpetual gaffe machine. He couldn’t handle the predictable, softball question served up by Fox’s Megyn Kelly about the wisdom of the Iraq war. And now, at last night’s presidential debate, he incredibly said that his brother kept America safe. When backed into a corner by Donald Trump, Jeb blurted out, “You know what? As it relates to my brother, there is one thing I know for sure, he kept us safe.”
Perhaps he will do what most politicians do when they’ve uttered something stupid; claim to have “misspoken.” But maybe not. Maybe the man is just as intellectually challenged as his big brother?
Or maybe Jeb just forgot that his brother’s presidency started on January 20, 2001, not September 12, 2001.
Maybe Jeb also forgot, or doesn’t know, that his brother and his administration were asleep at the wheel even though they had ample warning about a possible Al Qaeda attack; that upon leaving office the Clinton administration warned them about such a threat. Nope, George was on vacation that August 6, 2001, busy clearing brush on his ranch, when the infamous presidential briefing entitled, “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.,” was “presented” to him.
George W. Bush kept America safe, Jeb… really? Tell that to the grieving families who lost loved ones on 9-11. Tell that to the families that lost sons and daughters in a war based on lies. Tell that to the wounded soldiers who came back from Bush’s Middle East folly missing limbs. Tell that to the killed Iraqi civilians. Tell that to a destabilized Middle East. Tell that to a destabilized world.
Jeb Bush and his establishment handlers are relying on Americans having a short memory or one that has been completely plastered over by conservative news outlets. Perhaps Jeb may turn out to be the Republican presidential nominee after all. If he is, should make for some lively debates with whoever becomes the Democratic nominee. You can be sure the Democrat will have a long and sharp memory.
Jeb should have known never to go against the advice of a wise old woman with white hair. After all, mother knows best.
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