In a recent interview with Fox’s Megyn Kelly, Jeb Bush was asked if he would have authorized the invasion of Iraq knowing what we know now, with the benefit of non-faulty intelligence. Bush’s answer was a surprising “yes.” How could the “smart” Bush say such a thing, people wondered?
Sensing the political damage, the Bush surrogates quickly hit the airwaves. GOP strategist Ana Navarro offered the often-used excuse when a politician says exactly what he thinks. Bush had simply “misheard” Kelly’s question, claimed Navarro. This excuse, of course, is but a variation of the more common, “I misspoke” pretense.
There is a simple test to determine if the potential 2016 presidential hopeful misheard the question. One just has to look at what actions preceded Bush’s giving such an confounding answer… after all 75% of the American public believes the invasion of Iraq was a mistake. When Jeb Bush rolled out his list of foreign policy advisors, 17 out of the 21 worked for his brother’s administration. The list included Paul Wolfowitz,, one of the top architects and cheerleader for the Iraq war!
So much for the “I am my own man” charade! About the only thing worse would have been for the younger Bush to have offered up Dick Cheney as his vice presidential pick! No, Jeb did not “mishear” or “misspeak.” He simply showed his cards. And from the negative responses he received, not only from Democrats but Republicans alike, it’s apparent he has not shown a winning hand.
In her NY Times op-ed piece today, Gail Collins called the junior Bush “awful.” And that was one of the nicer things said about Jeb since the Fox News debacle! The presumptive frontrunner is looking more and more like a gimpy old nag. With Bush 3’s stock taking such a big hit, the Republican Party needs to start beating the bushes to find another so-called “electable candidate,” other than Bush. Mama Bush had it right…“There are other people out there that are very qualified and we’ve had enough Bushes.” Amen.