Ahead of the next Republican presidential debate scheduled for January 14 in North Charleston, South Carolina, I had the opportunity to interview a few Donald Trump supporters. I was taken aback by their fierce loyalty to the TV celebrity/real estate billionaire. Here are some of their comments:
“The man is not a politician. I just love that! He speaks his mind and really cares about people like me,” said Abigail Scruggs at her home at the Green Valley trailer park. “ Trump’s good with money. He’s a successful businessman who climbed the ladder of success.”
I asked Ms. Scruggs how a billionaire who lives in luxury penthouses could possibly relate to someone living in a trailer home, on social security disability benefits? Her reply was quick. “He wasn’t always a billionaire! I heard he started at the bottom with only a small loan from his daddy. He’s an American success story! People like that don’t forget their roots.” Yes, Trump has admitted to a humble beginning with only a small loan from his father ($1 million.)
“I like that he wants to make ‘Merica great again by getting rid of all the immigrants,” said Jim Bob Mosley. “And unlike that Kenyan Obama, he doesn’t want to let those Muslim refugee terrorists into the country.” I asked Mosley if he believes Trump wants to deport all immigrants or just those here Illegally. “Who cares, they don’t belong here. Build the goddamn wall!”
“Trump’s a born leader. He’s a very smart man. He even said he would be the smartest president if elected,” offered Jenny Davis.” He will run rings around all those dumb world leaders, including Putin.” It was widely reported Putin recently called Trump an “absolute leader,” and praised him for his brilliant mind.
When asked if they would support Ted Cruz (or any other Republican) if Trump were not the Republican nominee, the response was unanimous. “Of course Trump will be the nominee! He’s winning in all the polls. How can he lose? Heck in our state his lead over Cruz is 20 points.” The most recent Fox poll does indeed have Trump leading Cruz by exactly 20 points.
It seems Trump’s loyal supporters can’t even envision the possibility of his not getting the nomination. Call it a case of unconditional love. (For Trump Supporters, It’s Unconditional Love)
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With people like these, ‘Merica is in trouble!
You got that right, Jim. I believe in trailer park communities they can only get Fox News.
“Trumps a born leader. He is a very smart man, He even said he would be the smartest president if elected”, says Jenny Davis….
Is it any wonder that so many republicans don’t accept evolution and believe in childish fantasies like creationism? If Jenny is any indication of the average Trump followers intellect, and it appears she is, what hope has the GOP ever got of attracting voters who have more than two brain cells back into the fold.
The party has lost every demographic except non college educated white males over fifty, as David Frum said, “how can the gop claim to be the party of small and medium business when small and medium business owners have deserted the party in droves”…….
Currently the gop has a base of ill educated people who believe the vitriol and racism fed to them on a daily basis by rightwing hate media, and the sad part is Trump is a creation of these hate-mongers, they’ve brought him on themselves.
Lee, the substance of your comments are spot on. Low information Americans continually flock to the GOP and vote against their own economic self interest. But the article is satirical. There is no real Jenny Davis.