In an effort to breathe life into his moribund campaign, Jeb Bush has convinced his mother to make an ad for him. If you remember, it was not too long ago she famously advised Jeb not to run for office, saying, “We’ve had enough Bushes” in the White House.
Viewing the ad, you can tell Mama Bush’s heart isn’t really into it. Here endorsement is less than stirring:
BARBARA BUSH: Jeb has been a very good father, a wonderful son, a hard worker. His heart is big. When push comes to shove, people are going to realize Jeb has real solutions. Rather than talking about how popular they are, how great they are. He’s doing it because he sees a huge need and it’s not being filled by anybody. Of all the people running, he seems to be the one who could solve the problems. I think he’ll be a great president.
Why is it that politicians think voters have such short memories? I mean, really!
A better ad would have looked something like this:
BARBARA BUSH: Before the start of the Republican presidential campaign season, I advised my son not to run for office. I thought the country had had enough Bushes in the White House. That was before I saw the current crop of Republican candidates. Oh my! A divisive reality TV star, with no experience, is the leading Republican candidate, followed by a sitting Senator who helped engineer the shutting down of our government? I can tell you this, my son is a good father, a wonderful son and a hard worker. Of all the people running, I know he is the one who can solve our problems. I think he’ll be a great president.
I doubt there has ever been a more poorly run, incompetent presidential campaign than that of Jeb Bush. And while he may be a good man. I can’t imagine a worse campaigner than Jeb.
The bottom line is that no amount of money … no amount of advertising … can cure Jeb Bush’s most fatal flaw, his name. There is perhaps nothing more toxic in the political world than the “Bush” brand.
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Maybe he’s just a bum. I was never that found of his mother and I hated his brother “shrub”. And Neil was um, a disaster. I say go Trump and/or Cruz—-my labrador could beat either one of ’em
Nah, I think Jeb is just a bad politician. And yes, I believe your labrador could beat Trump or Cruz!
Babs Bush, daughter of privilege. I’m not going to waste my beautiful mind on her corrupt crime family.
She did have the good sense to tell her son not to run.