I just finished reading a Huffington Post article entailed, “Evangelical Voters Don’t Care That Trump’s Not Religious.” At first I thought it was satire. Yea right, I said to myself!
But no, the group that normally applies a religious “litmus test” to any political candidate is cutting Donald Trump some major slack. Talk about unconditional love! (For Trump Supporters, It’s Unconditional Love).
According to a new report from Pew Research, Trump is viewed as the least religious of all the GOP presidential candidates — but evangelical voters don’t really care!
Despite his low marks on religiosity, 56 percent of Republicans say Trump would make a good or great president. That proportion rises to 59 percent among white evangelical Protestant Republican voters. How can this be, I keep asking myself?
Could it be because Trump has stated the Bible is his favorite book? Is it because Trump has said, if elected president, he would mandate the saying of “Merry Christmas? Is it because he believes there is a war against Christians? Is it the endorsement he just received from Liberty University president Jerry Falwell jr.?
Or could it just be that evangelicals are a bunch of simple-minded hypocrites like those defenders of the Constitution who pick and chose which parts of the document they will follow?
What is most ironic about all this is that the anti-immigrant, family values evangelicals have no clue that if Trump becomes president, we would have the first immigrant First Lady … and the first First Lady to have posed nude for a spread in GQ. (Why “The Donald” Will Not Be President).
I wonder how that will go down with the patriotic, good-Christian, American-as-apple-pie bible toters?
Photo | alanrudnick.org
The answer is that they are low information, bigoted, racist , xenophobic hypocrites who only care that they rid the White House of Thr Black Guy and keep America white. They can say they are born again Christians, but they certainly don’t follow the teachings of Christ.
Yes, they are not Christians in the real sense of the word. Far from it. Our country would be a better place if they actually practiced the teachings of their supposed faith.
Absolutely. It’s a shame that they call themselves Christians or God fearing, because if they truly were, they would reject most if not all of what T Rump stands for.
evangelicals = hypocrites