Ted Cruz is on a roll. After impressive wins in Kansas and Maine in yesterday’s “Super Saturday” contests, the most despised politician in Washington DC declared this was “a manifestation of a real shift in momentum.” Even though Trump also won two states, Kentucky and Louisiana, he won those states by margins smaller than Cruz won his states. As a result, Cruz took home more delegates on the night.
While Trump still has a significant lead in the delegate count, 382 to 300, it is possible neither candidate will have the number of delegates needed, 1237, to win the party’s nomination outright.
It remains a toss up as to which of the two candidates, Trump or Cruz, is hated more by the party establishment. Their new favorite son, Marco Rubio, seems to be going nowhere. He is a distant third in the delegate count with 128, followed by Kasich’s dismal 35 delegates.
Political analysts are divided as to which candidate, Trump or Cruz, would be the least electable in a general election, or in other words, which candidate Democrats should be rooting for.
For my money, I am pulling for Senor Rafael Edward Cruz. He is the more radical ideologue of the two. Trump is a chameleon who, after securing his parity’s nomination, could very well track more moderate in his positions (whatever they many be!) thereby gaining support of independents and even some Democrats.
But what would be the most fun for Democrats with a Cruz nomination is the basic issue of his eligibility to seek the presidency. The topic has been pushed to the background for now but it will surely rear its Canadian-head if Republicans pick Cruz as their standard-bearer.
And, just as much fun, would Donald Trump run as a third party candidate?
For Democrats, it still looks as if Clinton will be their nominee… that is, short of a new or worsening-of-an-existing Clinton scandal.
Folks, politics doesn’t get more fun than this (if only the consequences weren’t so scary.)
Photo |brixcms.org
It is simple political mathematics; Donald does faaaarrrrr better in primary than caucus races, whereas lying Cruz does better in caucuses, but eats it in primaries. Luckily, there are only 2 caucuses remaining, with the remainder being primaries. So the question becomes what shall Cruz do now? More vitriol and maggot-level hatespewing out of fear and self-loathing as he begins to lose the greater portion of delegates at larger and larger portions? Probably so, but we shall see.
In any event, it is probably not unrealistic at this point for Cruz to make ready his bow-out speech rather soon, as The Donald is about to hand him his ass.
As par Marco Rubio?
“Hey, Marco-
Rent-A-Life just called. They want their discount back!” – Jon B.
“Mr. Rubio, ladies and gentlemen! Eating it HARD in a city near you!” – Jon B.
“Hey Marco!-
I heard that you were feeling ill-
Headache, fever, and a chill
I came to help restore your pluck-
Coz’ your bid for POTUS is truly f…ked!” – Jon B.
Enough said.
Peace & Light- <[:–))
Jon B.
You’re right. Cruz has probably peeked. But will Trump get enough delegates to win on a first ballot? We will see soon enough. If not, it will truly be a fun convention to watch!