There is a George W. Bush joke that goes something like this: asked to define “denial,” Dubya answered a river in Egypt.
Unfortunately, today’s GOP is in denial as defined by the actual meaning of the word. It is a party that chooses to keep its head buried in the sand while its world is collapsing all around it.
Republican Party elites still think there is time to stop the Trump runaway train. They are dreaming of a contested convention in July. They are hoping Trump does not enter the assembly hall with a majority of the delegates (1237) needed to win the nomination on the first ballot.
Could another candidate accumulate the needed number of delegates to win the nomination? Mathematically yes, but not likely.
One of two scenarios will be playing out for the Republicans. Either Trump, and only Trump, secures the number of delegates needed to prevail or he comes up just short but still has the most delegates of any candidate.
In the delusional world of the GOP establishment, if scenario #2 plays out, they believe they will be able to deny Trump the nomination by bringing in a reject such as Marco Rubio or a white knight such as Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan.
Talk about denial!
If the nomination is taken away from Trump, and the party leaders try to ram an establishment candidate down the throats of their voters, look for all hell to break loose.
Trump supporters are, if anything, a loyal bunch. Look for mayhem both inside, and outside, the convention hall if party bosses try to pull a fast one. Trump supporters have shown themselves to be the kind of people who would not meekly accept an “un-democratic” outcome.
Even by the Bushian definition of “denial,” one could say Republicans are in deep water with no rescue boat in sight.
The best bet for the GOP would be to accept Trump; try to work with him; and brace for the inevitable defeat such a candidate would bring their party. They could then do another post-mortem like they did after Romney’s loss; regroup for the 2020 election; and try to stop the Democrats’ presidential winning streak at three.
Of course, all this assumes the survival of the GOP as we know it.
Image courtesy of fantasista at
Yes, you could say the GOP is up the river without a paddle. They had it coming. They created Trump.
Can you imagine the violent reaction of Trump supporters if he doesn’t get the nomination? He’ll either have enough delegates or very close to enough. This could get ugly.
True right up until you made the exorcising misnomer about Hitlery beating Trump. It’ll never happen in so many ways, mainly owing to the fact that her prosecution is closing in on her so fast that both her and her loony blind leftist follows, all of who are stuck on stupid in denial, shall shit marble!
But don’t take my word for it…just keep watching! You have been warned.
“De-ni-al is not a river in Egypt, but a one-way, runaway train to split the heart of hell wide open!” – Jon B.
“Many people never learn until it’s too late. That’s why they’re called idiots.” – Jon B.
“Hitlery Cunton, ladies and gentlemen! Living proof that even a treasonous liar can run for POTUS.” – Jon Bond
Nowhere did I say Hillary would be the Democratic nominee. Only that Trump would bring a crushing defeat to the GOP. As I wrote, I don’t see how he can be denied the nomination at this point … short of a political earthquake.
I know very well your feelings about Hillary. You do not have to keep elaborating. If Trump’s your guy in the event Sanders doesn’t get the Democratic nomination. it’s all good.