Progressive Democrats love Bernie Sanders in just about the same measure as they despise Hillary Clinton. For many, it’s “Bernie or Bust.” A good number of these so-called Democrats say they would just as soon stay home on Election Day, or vote for Donald Trump, than support the former Secretary of State. Their enmity for Clinton is that great.
There is no doubt Progressives are an emotional bunch. But the odds are great that, in time, passions will wane and cooler heads will prevail.
Progressives should be asking themselves one simple question: “Which candidate, Bernie or Hillary, would be more effective in dealing with the obstructionist Republicans in Congress?” The answer undoubtedly is Hillary Clinton.
Hillary knows how to play dirty, Bernie does not. The former First Lady has a good deal of experience in political hardball. She and Bill have a certain way of getting things done; of making sure they get their way.
Many long-time members of Congress remember the Bill Clinton presidency. They also remember the story of Vince Foster.
Vince Foster committed “suicide” July 20, 1993. In the spring and early summer of that year, the Clinton “Travelgate” scandal erupted. It was one of a series of problems Foster was confronting – not only in his role as deputy White House counsel but – as in the case of “Whitewater” – in his role as personal lawyer for the Clintons.
Many Republican conspiracists do not believe Foster committed suicide but was rubbed out, done in, bumped off, sent to his maker at the direction of the Clintons. The man just knew too much.
With that thought in mind, do you think our august senators and congressman might be a little fearful of crossing Hillary and Bill? They know if they do not play ball with the Clintons, there is a good chance they may be “Fostered.”
Of course this is just my own little half-baked theory. But you get the idea: the Clintons play to win. They can be as cunning and Machiavellian as Republicans. Rumor has it the “b” word is sometimes used to describe Hillary. Bernie is just a kind soul.
As great as Bernie’s policies may be (universal healthcare, free college, etc.), does anyone honesty think those initiatives would be given an iota of consideration by congressional Republicans? No, they would treat old Bernie just as they have treated our President – with complete disrespect, and a lack of fear.
That will not be the case with the Clintons back in the White House. No sir, none of those old-time Congressmen will want to risk being “Fostered” with Hillary at the helm.
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Hitlery has a date with prison. She is a liar, too. She is a traitor to her country! Neither I, nor any of my thousands of constituents shall ever vote for her. EVER! And what’s more is that we are spreading the word of truth like wildfire.
We are, instead, voting for Donald Trump! We don’t want to see a woman in the White House over us; women cannot govern, and Hitlery is weak; she hasn’t the stamina to be president; she could not even fulfill her role as Secretary of State properly so how the hell could she maintain her cool and focus on duty and responsibilities as POTUS? Apparently, David Plouffe, the campaign manager for Barack Obama in 2008, believes the same as we do, for he warns the democratic idiots who mock and berate Trump, not to be popping champagne corks because Donald Trump shall defeat them this year.
Besides, we all believe that she is about to be prosecuted for her thousands of felonies committed against the US because of her breaking of thousands of laws during her tenuous tenor as the secretary, so DO NOT vote for a criminal for POTUS!
Hellary shall destroy the United States, because she serves the Illuminati globalist agenda. Apparently, you do as well, John. Pathetic! They are all doomed because they go against the very will of the creator and the people; but that is all getting ready to change, as if in the twinkling of an eye. Thus, they have a date with hell, and Hil-LIAR-y with prison. Watch, wait and see.
Donald Trump shall be POTUS; I have already foreseen it. But then, truth is not something most Dumbicrats and many Repuks have ever been at peace with. JUST KEEP WATCHING!
Suffice it to say your are entitled to your opinions, however wrong I may think they are. I don’t believe you understand when something is being said tongue-in-cheek. Donald Trump will never be president of the United States. There just aren’t enough nililists.
Voting for Hillary is voting for a very flawed candidate. A Trump presidency would be a major security threat to our country… both domestically and foreign. Yes, it’s come down to the lesser of two evils. Wish this were not the case, but it is. Sometimes it’s tough being an adult.
You’re partly right. Trump would be a security risk for the world. The US needs to continue to be the world’s leader not some third world banana republic.Yes sometimes we have to make tough choices.