Just days after predicting there would be riots if he is denied the GOP nomination, Donald Trump told a group supporters at an Arizona rally, “We’re going to win with our Second Amendment. We’re gonna win big league with our Second Amendment!”
Win with our Second Amendment?
While Trump did not go all the way, as did former Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle who talked about resorting to “second amendment remedies” against our tyrannical government, the message appeared to come across loud and clear to his cheering supporters
There will be riots. Armed riots.
Trump has not yet explained what he meant by winning “with our second amendment” but you can be sure he will deny he meant what his angry, dim-witted, gun-toting supporters assuredly understand it to mean. Armed insurrection.
The Republican National Convention will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, July 18-21. Did you know Ohio is an “open carry” state?
Trump, for all his angry rhetoric, is very careful about how he delivers his message of hate, preferring to speak in code … code well understood by his diehard supporters.
The GOP elites have vowed to stop Trump from securing its party’s nomination come hell or high water. Trump has “predicted” riots if that were to happen. Now he is going to win with the second amendment?
It doesn’t get scarier than this. Yet no one in the media, as far as I know, has confronted Trump about what he meant by his seemingly incendiary remark.
It would be tragic, and sadly ironic, if gun violence were to take place at a convention held by the party that does everything within its power to stop any type of gun regulation.
God help us.
Photo | moreperfectunionpodcast.com
This man is frightening. How can he get away with this?
Get away with what? He is not inciting people to riot or take up arms. He is within his First Amendment rights. But you are right, he is frightening.
Go TRUMP! Love that Freedom Rifle he is holding. What a great metaphor: Trump holding American freedom in his hands.
FYI the rifle is photoshopped…a much more appropriate metaphor for Trump. Everything he says falls into 2 categories… LIE or CRAZY and most of it is both.
Thanks. And agree!