With each new primary win, it is looking more likely than ever Donald Trump will be the GOP’s presidential nominee. The hated, divisive figure with zero political experience may well be the one to carry Republican hopes for retaking the White House.
Great news for Democrats, you would think, right? You could almost see the headlines, “Landslide, Cakewalk.” But not so fast. Who will the Democrats most likely put up against this hated, divisive Republican… a hated, divisive figure of their own, Hillary Clinton.
It is abundantly clear that Americans, both Republican and Democrat, are sick and tired of politics as usual. They don’t want to remodel the house; they want a complete teardown. They want revolution, not evolution. Trump offers something radically different to Republican voters; Hillary Clinton does not.
The revolutionary Democratic candidate is, of course, Bernie Sanders.
But while Sanders has the right message, he is the wrong messenger for a number of reasons.
Bernie Sanders likes to refer to himself as a “democratic socialist.” Try as he may to explain to the American voter what that means, how it is not threatening in anyway, his only real success has been among young voters. To older Americans, socialism is seen as communism and well you know how that works. The ironic twist is that Bernie is not even a registered Democrat. He is an Independent.
Bernie is a spry 74 year-old. But the fact remains, at that age, he would be the oldest president ever to serve in office. How can he lead the revolution, some ask, if he will most likely need a walker by the end of his first term? What about a second term?
Just imagine for a moment Bernie’s message of a corrupt political system, where the deck is stacked against the middle and lower classes, coming from, lets say, a John Kennedyesque figure. Against a buffoon like Donald Trump, the Republican Party would no doubt be relegated to the dustbin of history after a certain electoral calamity.
But Democrats have Hillary. A deeply flawed candidate, from a deeply blemished political clan.
This presidential election cycle has produced a “perfect storm” on both sides of the political divide, with one candidate hated by his political party; one candidate propped up by her party’s elites. Who will American voters hate the least?
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
He may be the wrong messenger but the DNC and Witch Wasserman have done everything within their power to suppress the message.
So right, Frank.
You are so right, Frank Little.
The global elite do not want Mr. Sander’s message to get out too much so they do all that they can to suppress, repress, confuse and cause dissension amongst the ranks. This is also ditto for Donald Trump, who in my opinion, is the only logical alternative to Mr. Sanders, whom I like /liked very much, even though he is now beginning to fade away from the political POTUS arena; although anything/anyone at this point would be better than that lying forked-tongue troll, Hil-LIAR-y Clinton.
During my youth all the way up through my current middle age, there has always been, with only the exception of Barack Obama (although he could arguable be called just another establishment Clintonesque whore) either a Clinton or a Bush in the White House. I am absolutely sick to death of these two satanic families who are Illuminati front-runners for their demonic, vile, murderous and disgusting New World Order Globalist’ agendas.
That is why their puppets, namely the press, the media and the far left power brokers are targeting Donald Trump. He is anti-establishment, regardless of the fact that he is not perfect. You don’t have to be bloody perfect to run for POTUS, but you do have to be honorable, hardworking, and as transparent as you possibly can to do so. The Bushes are truly demonic, so much so, that Prescott Bush, the father of George W. H. Bush, was prosecuted for war crimes in January of 1942 for funding both the Allied and the Axis (Nazis) powers during both WWI and WWII.
The Clintons are just as vile, murderous, greedy and nasty. And as far as honesty is concerned, Hellary is about as honest and transparent as a filthy kotex!
You’re welcome.
“Why the hell is Hillary Clinton talking about Donald Trump’s alleged extramarital affairs when, as a secreted adulterer, devoted lesbian and dedicated cooch eater, she has seen more tail than most toilet seats?!” – Jon B.
“Hitlery Clinton couldn’t open a New York hotdog stand, so how the hell can she possibly handle the job of POTUS?! I mean, for godssake, we’re talking about someone who’s so dense and slow that she has to speed up just to stop!” – Jon B.
“Hillary Clinton; a liar contrite-
The candidate of those not bright.
Who would vote for her even if-
She walked on stage and took a sh_t!” – Jon B.
I respectfully disagree with your assessment of Trump. I think your statement that he “is not perfect” is the understatement of the year. But you know my thoughts. Vote for your man.
I’m Bernie all the way and Jill Stein of the Green party if we get stuck with Hillary. Sanders is the only candidate from the two major parties who is telling the truth. Trump is right about our horrible trade agreements but I don’t trust anyone running under the GOP banner to work against the plutocrats on behalf of the peasants. Trump may know what’s wrong with our current globalizing trade agreements but he does not have a clue how to negotiate a trade deal that would be fair to workers. Additionally, he has stated wages are too high and backtracked when Sanders addressed that statement on a Sunday morning program.
As for his age, I see no problem. The campaign schedule he’s keeping up would have done me in at 40, let alone now, and he’s 13 years older than I. I also trust him to pick a VP who will be just as committed to the working people of America as he is. I don’t expect Senator Sanders will be leaving us anytime in the near future. Regardless of whether he wins the nomination or not, his campaign is, as he says, “radical.” This is the first candidate who has told the American people the truth-that the system is rigged and who rigged it.
The establishment candidates on both sides of the aisle are all owned by wealthy corporations who want to run the world. Frankly, if the 3 disastrous trade deals now in the pipeline pass, they will be running the world, even usurping governments’ rights to pass laws to protect their people from all manner of corporate asshattery.
On the right, the politicians tell their people their lives are hard and their wages are low because…illegals!…black people!…welfare, none of which is true. On what passes for the left these days, they tell their voters it’s the Republicans’ fault. It is, in fact, the Republican’s fault to a large degree in that the tax cuts at the top have left us without resources for people-no road repairs, falling down bridges, the worst results for education in the literate world, an entire generation being burdened with massive debt just to get a four year degree. Yes, most of that is where Republicans like it-broke and unable to help the people of the country. However, Democrats, especially the Clinton/Obama wing of the party are complicit and I’d argue that Bill Clinton pushed us further down the neo-liberal hell we’re in than Reagan. Obama is, maybe, a tad more restrained on foreign policy but he’s a Wall Street Democrat all the way-bailed out banks and left the homeowners hanging, failed to support labor, bashed his base from the podium to look ‘moderate’ and ‘tough’ to Republicans. The fact is he’s never supported the New Deal programs that pulled us out of the Great Depression and he tried for over a year to cut Social Security. Today’s Democratic establishment is Republicans without the hate. They care nothing no more for rebuilding the middle class than the Republicans do.
Too many voters have become the useful idiots of their respective parties. The GOP co-opted Christianity and bastardized it into a religion of hate and greed where once it was the driving force behind a country that was thriving. Those who fancy themselves Christians in the midst of all the greed and hate see voting for Republicans as their religious obligation, now, no matter how much it’s destroying the family budget. Democratic voters are smarter in that they know the problems of racism and xenophobia are not at the root of the dying middle class and starving working class. They vote for candidates who give lip service to equality but are serving the economic interests of the same people the Republicans serve and wish the working class would just fold up and go away. Their corporate masters do not want to pay people enough to provide even basic necessities. Although unions still back Democrats, the fact is Democrats have not supported labor or workers since LBJ. They are only a tiny bit less harsh towards the population than the Republicans. Bottom line-neither party is cares about your bottom line.
As I said, Sanders is the only candidate with the brains and the heart to tell us the truth and see the solutions. The best of all possible outcomes is he becomes president. Barring that, there is hope as a new generation trapped on our road to third world living conditions see the problems and see the value of Sanders’ policies. It is not alienating them at all when the fascists on the right (and ‘left’) scream, “communist,” “socialist.” They know, as I do, the completely distorted picture of economic systems the oligarchy has painted for people. The GOP and the DINOs are leading us all into fascist corporate hell and they know that’s worse. There is hope this new generation will see through the scams. We can only hope there will be more Bernies coming along to fight for them.
Mickey, thanks for your great and thoughtful comment. I agree with almost everything you’ve said but I disagree with your not voting for the Democratic candidate if it is not Bernie. Protest votes are great in theory but they tend to lead to bad results (i.e. Dems voting for Nader in Florida over Gore.) Those couple of thousand votes would have changed the course of history. Would you really be OK with a President Trump?