Say what you will about Donald Trump – he’s a racist, a demagogue, a fascist, a buffoon, a liar, a con artist, etc. But he is providing an important service to our country. He is reminding us of an uncomfortable truth few Americans care to accept. You see, far from being a nation of “exceptionalism,” we are a nation in decline.
The message is right there in Trump’s slogan … “Make American Great Again!” The keyword in the slogan, of course, is “again.” If America needs to be made great again, logic dictates it is no longer great. Could it be that Reagan’s once “shining city upon a hill” is now just a flickering metropolis having a hard time paying its electric bill? Is it really possible the once undisputed greatest nation on earth may now just be one of the great nations on earth?
Trump, in all his narcissistic renown, believes he is the only mortal who can restore our country to its former glory; to its rightful place among nations… number one. And this message of lost primacy is resonating with voters. You hear it in the chants at his rallies… USA! USA! USA! You hear it in his message about “winning.”
Trump has said, “We are a country that doesn’t win anymore. We don’t win anymore. When was the last time we won? We don’t win on trade. We don’t win on the military. We don’t beat ISIS. We don’t do anything. We’re not good. We’re just not the same place. We are going to win, so much.”
Trump, unlike any politician perhaps in this nation’s history, flat out tells us we’re a nation of losers.
In many ways, Trump is right. America has lost its mojo. But Trump might want to add these to his list of America’s shortcomings: we no longer win in education, in global competitiveness, in child well-being, in literacy, in national satisfaction, in health care efficiency, in wireless broadband, in gender equality or in freedom of the press. (
But we Americans can take heart. We still lead the world in prison population and death by violence.
It is beyond ironic that the man who postulates America’s decline is himself direct evidence of the truth of his proposition! Only a nation that has lost its way (some might say its mind) could support a candidate as unqualified and divisive as Donald Trump. Only a political party fighting its own battle for survival could potentially make a slick snake oil salesman, in the person of Trump, its presidential nominee.
Donald Trump may be a serial liar but on America’s decline, he’s nailed it. We just don’t win anymore!
Trump is the first presidential candidate in recent memory to run openly, and without apology, on a platform of America’s diminishing status. But why do I doubt most Trump supporters read his slogan, “Make American Great Again!” as critically as I do?
Photo | inside-out-politics.blogspot. com
The MOST hateful people in the race are clearly the demobrats, who are shills and think it’s fine to attack, beat, tear apart civilization, attack police and police cars and beat people half to death, as was clearly self-evident in the protests in California, Chicago and abroad. They want to blame all of this on Trump, but it is THEIR OWN blind, fearmongering, self-righteous hatred and self-destruction that they are being confronted with. In fact, the very reason that Trump is here is because of the far left, although not ALL democrats here, and their overtly liberal policies that have left the United States vulnerable, confused, lost and defeated. Thus the appearance of Trump on the scene.
So say whatever crap you will of Trump, you idiot Trump haters, but YOU are looking at your next president!
Remember it! If you love America and want to see him win again, then you’d better:
VOTE TRUMP IN 2016!!!!!
Jon B.
[A Beautiful Poem About An Ugly Demon]
Hitlery Rotten Clinton knows-
She brings with her many woes
She lies with audacity and pious grace-
And does it patently in our face!
Hillary Clinton is a charmed rat
The kind a sewer spawns-
Who kills, cheats, lies and then
Laughs at what she’s done!
But despite her many evil crimes-
The democrats think it’s fine.
She digs herself deeper into a hole
A deep, dark, political nasty rut-
From which there shall be no escape
For one so evil, murderous and corrupt!
The Clinton’s are twisted, selfish trolls
Who relish heartache, pain and tears-
And woe unto us; they get away with it
Year after disgusting damned year!
From poisonous flower to rotten vine-
Most democrats think it’s fine.
If elected, we shan’t have long to wait-
For Shitlary Clinton to seal our fates!
This political siren shall set straight out-
To destroy all men without a doubt!
Along with our beloved United States-
America shall be venerable and unsafe
Just as she purposefully ignored-
Those men butchered by Benghazi’s hordes!
This enrages all our hearts and minds-
But democrats think it’s fine.
Shillary Clinton munches cooch
Forever allergic to Bill’s cock-
For public’s sake, she smooches Bill
But only when on the political spot!
But in secret cove and out of sight
It’s cooch that makes her scream-
And with that c o o c h she prefers
Salacious mounds of “extra cream!”
The Clinton’s are so steeped in bullshit
Whenever they speak, they’re lying-
Outwardly they love America
But because of them, we’re dying!
Indifference, greed, and wanton lust
Belie their every single word-
Shitlary is a make-shift phantom
A political ruse; a velociraptor!
Yet, even with all this sloth and brine-
The democrats think it’s fine.
Now that there is a devil
There is no doubt-
But is she trying to get in us
O trying to get out?!
For decades now, she connives malevolent-
To become our self-anointed president!
And damn to h e l l anyone otherwise-
Who would seek to keep her from her prize!
But despite such arrogance so blind-
Most democrats think it’s fine.
Selfish, cunty, cuntsy, Shil-
Lies on the sly; and loves to kill!
“I won’t be tried!”, boasts Clinton-
Inspired, no doubt, by Lizzy Borden
Whose rancid mind; after it had cracked-
Struck her mother 40 whacks!
And when she saw what she had done-
Then struck her father 41!
Yet, despite the fact she is a swine-
The democrats still think it’s fine.
And for the booze and all the bray-
She’ll deny it pertly come what may
She laughs in the face of the FBI-
Though her indictment draweth nigh
Child molesters, she adores-
She set one free when she was a lawyer
Then laughed about it to the press-
Leaving the girl in eternal duress
Yet, all is well, prose and rhyme-
Coz’ democrats think it’s fine.
Even though the NSA denied her-
A Blackberry phone private server
She went behind their backs, and then-
Put in an unsecured server pin
Then proceeded to endanger and expose-
The United States to untold woes
The DOJ, Obama and FBI-
Administrations were shocked she lied?!!
Really? Seriously?
To prison she should be confined!-
But democrats think it’s fine.
She destroys all incriminating documents-
National security to her is irrelevant!
There’s constitutional law and government-
And then there’s the Clinton’s law; sacrosanct!
A separate kind of special law-
That makes them better than us all
That allows them to do what wherewithal-
And make mistakes that kill us all!
But don’t you dare attack their kind!-
Coz’ democrats think it’s fine.
Hellary is the quintessential liar-
Steeped in murder, blood and mire!
She brands as evil and defacing-
All those who demand her chastening!
Yet, even after so much crime-
Most democrats still think it’s fine.
Hillary’s father was a mob lynchman-
A seedy killer; a Capone henchmen
So Hillary was chipped from the start-
Dracula’s cull in the dead of dark!
But she who laughs first
Shall indeed laugh last!-
Karma is a perfect bitch
And her’s is encroaching fast!
But this is business as usual; all the time-
For the democrats, who think it’s fine.
The hottest places in hottest hell
Are reserved for one such as her-
And Bill shall also share the warmth
Of Hell’s comforts beside her!
And not only them, but millions more-
Politicians, clergy, and secret societies-
Shall be there too in droves galore
With their reptilian proprieties!
Good things come to those whom wait-
But not to those who wait too late!
WAKE UP, FOOLS!! – Don’t hesitate!-
Or grow old soon and wise, too late!
Yet, despite the warnings in these rhymes-
Despite the evidence rampant and rhyne!
Even unto the end of time!-
The democrats think it’s fine…” <[;-(
– Jon B. (C.) 4-23-2016!
Stupid folks imagine that Donald Trump is an establishment pig like the rest of the idiot sycophants and lying psychopaths in the establishment are (Shitlary, Lying Cruz, Ka-Sick, etc., with the possibly, although improbable exception of Sanders). This is why they’re losing BIG because they haven’t got a damned clue as to what it takes to win a presidential election anymore, namely owing to the fact that they are so blissfully out of touch and care with the American people at large. That’s why the Repuklicans have been on a one-way losing streak for the past 8 years, and the Demobrats have nearly destroyed America!
Both Donald Trump and his supporters know that the far right has become the party of the phucking stupid! And for good reason. When you have establishment goons and demons such as Twit Romulan (Mittens Romney), Carly Purina, Lying Ted Cruz, and Ka-Sick, all of whom are seeking to undermined the American people who have voted for Trump, then stand back at the much opined open convention that they are working hard to achieve in order to stick it to the American public yet AGAIN, only to congratulate themselves for physicking the American people!, well then this, more than anything else, speaks exactly to why the RNC and GOP party are doomed to hell along with the dumbass idiots and programmed trolls who follow them!
Peter attended high school with Donald Trump 50 years ago, more than anyone can or has said about Obama.
By Peter Ticktin
As a law firm, we at The Ticktin Law Group do not like to get involved in politics. As soon as we endorse one side, we risk alienating everyone on the other side. Also, our lawyers and staff are, themselves, on both sides. Politics is not our game. However, Justice is!
If you saw a guy get publicly smeared, and you knew him well from the days you were friends and seniors together in high school, if you knew him to be a decent and honest man, would you want to say something? This is why I need to share what I know.
I was aghast at watching last night’s debate. It was a set-up.
The moderators, Cruz, and Rubio were all like little alligators trying to take a bite out of Trump. Yes, Donald Trump has had some failures, but he has been exceedingly successful. None of this came out.
Instead, there was a general attack. Rubio simply makes up lies. He pretends that Trump has small hands and makes fun of him for something which isn’t even real. He pretends that Donald wets his pants, and makes fun of him, as though it was true, and then he calls Donald Trump a “Bully.”
I am not suggesting that you should vote or not vote for anyone. I just need to defend a former friend who is being smeared.
Like Donald Trump, I attended New York Military Academy (“NYMA”) for high school.
In fact, in our senior year, together, Donald was my captain, and I was his 1st Platoon Sergeant. I sometimes joke that I ran his first company for him, Company “A.”
People don’t really change much from the ages of 17 and 18, and I know this guy.
I know him to be a good decent guy. We lived and breathed an Honor Code in those years. It wasn’t just a rule. It was our way of life. Neither Donald, nor any other cadet who graduated with us would ever lie, cheat, or steal from a fellow cadet. These values became irreversibly intertwined in the fabric of our personalities, of who we are.
Of the 99 guys (no girls in those days) in our class, there is not one who I know who has a bad word to say about Donald Trump. Think of it. With all the jealousies which arise in high school and thereafter, with all the potential envy, not one of us has anything other than positive memories of this man.
How could we? He was an “A” student, a top athlete, and as a leader, he was highly respected.
We never feared him, yet we never wanted to disappoint him. He had our respect. He was never a bigot in any way, shape or form. He only hates those who hate. Of course he denounces the KKK.
As to the discussion with the New York Times, it is his choice to release the ‘off the record’ remarks. However, if he does, it opens the door for all political opposition to make that demand for everyone, and that means that our press will never get those ‘off the record’ remarks which help them to understand the realities of the campaign.
Moreover, the idea that Donald Trump confessed some alternate theory of his position is preposterous. Can anyone believe that all those NY Times reporters are walking around knowing some deep dark nasty secret about a guy who is seeking an endorsement?
The Republican establishment is afraid of Donald Trump. Why? They are afraid that he will lose to Hillary. They don’t hate Donald. They hate her. They are so fearful that they fail to see that by expanding the base of voters for Trump, he is more likely to win.
Watching the chorus of whiners, decriers, denigrators, and self-righteous put-down experts from so many directions, from Mitt Romney, lying Ted Cruz, to Megyn Kelly, Little Mario, it has to make you wonder. Why? Why are so many people so angry with Donald Trump, that they are lying, name calling, ridiculing, and demeaning him as they do. Either they are afraid, or they know him to be evil.
This is why I feel the need to speak out at this time. I know this man.
He is a lot of things, but he is not evil. He is a decent honest guy who loves this country, and who is willing to sacrifice so much of what is left of his life, because he knows that this country needs to be fixed, and that it is going to require someone who can do the job. He just doesn’t see anything around him other than political hacks, so he is willing to take this huge responsibility.
I’m not saying that he is the only one who can do the job. My point is simply as to his motivation and his goodness.
This next decade is going to be one of major changes. We all see the climate changing, and the world food supply is getting lower. Our fish stock around the world is running low. Oil prices will cause countries to fail. The Middle East is beyond repair, and we have become weak and ineffective around the world.
Donald Trump sees the issues and knows that he can assemble leaders who would have the best chance of fixing things.
This is why he is running. He does not need it for his own aggrandizement. He doesn’t need another big jet or to take up residence in the White House. He just wants things to be fixed, and he knows that the politicians won’t fix anything.
I knew Donald Trump and was close to him in our senior year in high school. I just want you to know that there is nothing to fear from him. His character is as good as it gets. He is a patriot, taking on a heroic task, and being thanked by massive abuse.
If you want to see a true reflection of a man, look at his children. Need I say more?
“He, who laughs first, laughs last!” – Anonymous
And all those who mock and laugh at Trump have grossly underestimated him. America loves the underdog…no matter how vile, downtrodden or repulsive by appearance, America secretly and stealthy roots for the underdog. Donald Trump has been the underdog from the very beginning. The demobrats and the Repuklican parties have very much tried to malign and define him with hate attacks by the millions, but all to no avail. Underestimate him, please. Keep rioting and speaking out against him. Keep twisting what he says into something that he never did. Keep labeling him as a racist, a bigot, a homophobe, a misogynist, etc. Make all the hateful untrue accusations you want…but in the end, it’s all to no avail, because America loves the underdog. Watch who ultimately takes the prize and wins the presidency.
You have been warned.
You’re welcome.
VOTE TRUMP IN 2016!!!!!