For all those giddy Democrats thanking their lucky stars that Donald Trump is about to become the Republican presidential nominee, I have two words … George Bush. Yes, Dubya was more like the village idiot than a buffoon; a political puppet propped up by neocons that could easily pull his strings, but a political incompetent like Trump, nonetheless.
Donald Trump today called President Obama “The worst president in U.S. history.” This came in response to comments the President made during his commencement speech at Rutgers University this past Sunday.
“Class of 2016,” said Obama, “let me be as clear as I can be. In politics and in life, ignorance is not a virtue. It is not cool to not know what you’re talking about. That’s not keeping it real or telling it like it is. That’s not challenging political correctness. That’s not knowing what you’re talking about.”
While never mentioning Trump by name, the graduating class knew exactly who the President was referring to… the presumptive Republican presidential candidate, Trump.
Of course the President is correct in saying ignorance in not a virtue. But to many Trump supporters, ignorance is just plain bliss. They don’t care how ridiculous the proposals or incoherent the speeches, Trump supporters just love their man. (For Trump Supporters its Unconditional Love)
Like George W. Bush to his supporters, Donald Trump is a man who can relate to the common folk; a man John Q. Public would love to have a beer with (in Trump’s case, perhaps a glass of champagne?). Intelligence … competence … experience … political rectitude? Fuggetaboutit!
While Trump, a con man, a joker and “king of the birthers,” is poised to becoming the Republican Party’s presidential standard-bearer may seem like a Democrat’s wet dream, let us not forget that a hard-drinking frat boy with little intellectual curiosity, or grasp of the English language, was twice elected president.
The moral here is never underestimate the power of a dolt in a society largely made up of uninformed, incurious, anti-science, anti-knowledge individuals.
Birds of a feather tend to flock together.
Democrats, be careful what you wish for. Remember, Bush was first elected in the year 2000. Sixteen years later and you most definitely have a greater dumbing down of Mr. John Q. Public.
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Good point. Let’s also remember how many of us or our friends and colleagues in 2000 said, “there’s no difference between Gore & Bush.” Never underestimate the lack of intelligence of the American electorate.
Hard to believe a billionaire, living in luxury homes, is considered a man of the people! How good a con man is Mr. Trump, I ask you! Or to put it another way, how dumb are his supporters?
Frightening John, isn’t it? I fear for this country should Drumpf become its leader. We will lose all respect in the world and the beginnings of a new fascism could emanate in our country. Scary as hell is all I can say.
Yes, Charlie, it is scary. No doubt we as a nation have become dumber since Dubya was first elected in 2000! How could you ever explain trailer-park types claiming Trump relates to them best?
The Art of the Con
Trump is the master!
I doubt any president could screw up our country, and the world, more than George W. But now, with Trump, I’m bringing to think twice.
You are right about Bush. But you can rest assured. Trump will not be elected president. Despite all the talk, there just aren’t enough morons to vote him in… let us pray!
The idiotic demoBRATS along with the cowardly writer of this and several trash E-quips is a sad fallacious story-liner who will despicably continue talking about PC and all such political elocution. Which is really nothing more than so much mental masturbation. It is effete talk being fobbed off as being proprietorially correct and socially upwardly mobile, which all amounts to total incompetence, self-ignorance, and national shame.
Crying and whining, whining and crying. Why don’t these incompetents just grab some cheese and crackers to go with their whine?!
They love to talk filth about Trump, consistently and joyfully mocking him, calling him filthy ungrounded names like a bunch of incompetent little prissy cuntsy school girls discovery their first period cycle; laughing at Trump’s newness to the political scene/arena, etc. Cheap shots from cheap people who aren’t worth much! And really, if The Donald had a dime for every time these mechanically programmed idiots attacked him, he’d be filthy rich!
Well, he IS already filthy rich, so obviously he’s already streets ahead of these jealous idiots who shoot their fat mouths off, always attacking him with effete and repetitive dogma; saying the same thing over and over, yet getting nowhere fast! Just like their establishment trolls and New World Order demons that they love to vote into office (Clintons, Bushes, Twit Romulan, etc).
Stagnation, repetition, incompetence, and fanatical greed are run-of-the-mill for them, all the while rarely, if ever, accomplishing anything uplifting or ground changing. In fact, these miserly jealous idiots couldn’t run a closed down car wash, much less run for election. But they do love to venture their worthless opinions…which are like assholes, everybody’s got one. Thank God theirs aren’t worth much more than used toilet paper!
And ultimately, they’re NOT stopping Trump and that is why they’re screaming, throwing fits and crying jags. They know that they are going to lose and lose BIG this fall. Even president Obama has begun interfering, attacking Trump, and campaigning for Shitlary Clinton, who is so bloody weak as a candidate for POTUS that she can’t even manage to close Bernie Sanders down. Infighting and backbiting with their own party leaves much to be desired when they venture their silly opins about the RNC and Trump anymore. All hypocritical bullshit! And how shameful, stupid, and embarrassed they must feel inwardly; which more than explains why they come out screaming, finger pointing, and kicking outwardly. After all, whenever we point one finger, remember, troglodytes. Cowardly idiots. Pathetic too!
They love to rail against Trump as being a bully and hateful, and yet conveniently overlook their OWN vitriol, neverending hatred, malignant attitudes, and satanic revelry. Again, hypocritical and effete attacks based on FEAR and TREPIDATION that Trump shall hand them their asses this fall. We get it!
So please, keep calling him names, railing against him as if he were some kind of demon and so forth. All you’re really doing is looking into the mirror at yourselves, because the evil establishment, no matter the political persuasion, have caused more harm and suffering to the United States than Trump ever did. A candidate like Trump has been a long time in coming because the people of America are feed up with the Satanic, New World Order elite who love to put things like SUPER-DELEGATES into play to make sure that the people’s vote is NEVER honored nor exorcised above their own! And millions upon millions of demoBRATS think it’s fine…all save for Bernie Sanders’ followers, who are equally fed up. In fact, I foresee millions of Sander’s supporters crossing the political isle in November to vote for Trump since they are, in reality, opposites of the same principle. Impossible?
“It’s only impossible until it isn’t. Then what?” – Jon B.
The fact of the matter is that Trump is here because he represents a calling hundreds of years in the making. The universe has heard the plight and the call of literally tens of millions of people, and like Pizza Hut, “IT DELIVERS!”
Trump SHALL be president…I have already foreseen it. But don’t take my word for it….just keep sticking your noses so high up in the air that when it rains next you’ll drown; as if Shitlary Clinton were the answer to your prayers, when in reality, she is the New World Order FEMINAZI termagant, insufferable suffragette and sinister reptilian queen LILITH, who shall deliver the United States into the arms of the REPTILIANS! But never fear; Trump is here! Just watch and see what happens next! You won’t even see the end coming until it’s way beyond too late!
“Good things come to those who wait-
But not to those who wait too late.
Cast in your line — don’t hesitate-
Or grow old soon and wise, too late!” – Jon B.
“As a rule – man is a fool!
When it’s hot – he wants it cool.
When it’s cool – he wants it hot-
Always wanting what is not!” – Anonymous
But after the election cycle has run its course this year, and Trump is coronated and triumphant as POTUS, DON’T SAY YOU WEREN’T WARNED!
Moderator: “So, Hillary, did you leave anything else behind in Benghazi?”
Hillary: “Just bodies.” – Jon B.
You’re welcome.
TRUMP IN 2016!!!!!
You can happily and blissfully cast your vote for the greatest political con man there ever lived. It’s a free country.
It all hit home for me a few years ago when I saw an interview with Honey Boo Boo in which she was asked her political thoughts.
What a sad joke!
Sad what’s happening to this great country of ours.
[A Beautiful Poem About An Ugly Demon]
Hitlery Rotten Clinton knows-
She brings with her many woes
She lies with audacity and pious grace-
And does it patently in our face!
Hillary Clinton is a charmed rat
The kind a sewer spawns-
Who kills, cheats, lies and then
Laughs at what she’s done!
But despite her many evil crimes-
The democrats think it’s fine.
She digs herself deeper into a hole
A deep, dark, political nasty rut-
From which there shall be no escape
For one so evil, murderous and corrupt!
The Clinton’s are twisted, selfish trolls
Who relish heartache, pain and tears-
And woe unto us; they get away with it
Year after disgusting damned year!
From poisonous flower to rotten vine-
Most democrats think it’s fine.
If elected, we shan’t have long to wait-
For Shitlary Clinton to seal our fates!
This political siren shall set straight out-
To destroy all men without a doubt!
Along with our beloved United States-
America shall be venerable and unsafe
Just as she purposefully ignored-
Those men butchered by Benghazi’s hordes!
This enrages all our hearts and minds-
But democrats think it’s fine.
Shillary Clinton munches cooch
Forever allergic to Bill’s cock-
For public’s sake, she smooches Bill
But only when on the political spot!
But in secret cove and out of sight
It’s cooch that makes her scream-
And with that cooch she prefers
Salacious mounds of “extra cream!”
The Clinton’s are so steeped in bullshit
Whenever they speak, they’re lying-
Outwardly they love America
But because of them, we’re dying!
Indifference, greed, and wanton lust
Belie their every single word-
Shitlary is a make-shift phantom
A political ruse; a velociraptor!
Yet, even with all this sloth and brine-
The democrats think it’s fine.
Now that there is a devil
There is no doubt-
But is she trying to get in us
O trying to get out?!
For decades now, she connives malevolent-
To become our self-anointed president!
And damn to h e l l anyone otherwise-
Who would seek to keep her from her prize!
But despite such arrogance so blind-
Most democrats think it’s fine.
Selfish, cunty, cuntsy, Shil-
Lies on the sly; and loves to kill!
“I won’t be tried!”, boasts Clinton-
Inspired, no doubt, by Lizzy Borden
Whose rancid mind; after it had cracked-
Struck her mother 40 whacks!
And when she saw what she had done-
Then struck her father 41!
Yet, despite the fact she is a swine-
The democrats still think it’s fine.
And for the booze and all the bray-
She’ll deny it pertly come what may
She laughs in the face of the FBI-
Though her indictment draweth nigh
Child molesters, she adores-
She set one free when she was a lawyer
Then laughed about it to the press-
Leaving the girl in eternal duress
Yet, all is well, prose and rhyme-
Coz’ democrats think it’s fine.
Even though the NSA denied her-
A Blackberry phone private server
She went behind their backs, and then-
Put in an unsecured server pin
Then proceeded to endanger and expose-
The United States to untold woes
The DOJ, Obama and FBI-
Administrations were shocked she lied?!!
Really? Seriously?
To prison she should be confined!-
But democrats think it’s fine.
She destroys all incriminating documents-
National security to her is irrelevant!
There’s constitutional law and government-
And then there’s the Clinton’s law; sacrosanct!
A separate kind of special law-
That makes them better than us all
That allows them to do what wherewithal-
And make mistakes that kill us all!
But don’t you dare attack their kind!-
Coz’ democrats think it’s fine.
Hellary is the quintessential liar-
Steeped in murder, blood and mire!
She brands as evil and defacing-
All those who demand her chastening!
Yet, even after so much crime-
Most democrats still think it’s fine.
Hillary’s father was a mob lynchman-
A seedy killer; a Capone henchmen
So Hillary was chipped from the start-
Dracula’s cull in the dead of dark!
But she who laughs first
Shall indeed laugh last!-
Karma is a perfect bitch
And her’s is encroaching fast!
But this is business as usual; all the time-
For the democrats, who think it’s fine.
The hottest places in hottest hell
Are reserved for one such as her-
And Bill shall also share the warmth
Of H e l l’s comforts beside her!
And not only them, but millions more-
Politicians, clergy, and secret societies-
Shall be there too in droves galore
With their reptilian proprieties!
Good things come to those whom wait-
But not to those who wait too late!
WAKE UP, FOOLS!! – Don’t hesitate!-
Or grow old soon and wise, too late!
Yet, despite the warnings in these rhymes-
Despite the evidence rampant and rhyne!
Even unto the end of time!-
The democrats think it’s fine…” <[;-(
– Jon B. (C.) 4-23-2016!
You're welcome.
TRUMP IN 2016!!!!!
Jon B. Time to come out from your parent’s basement. The weather’s fine up here. Only your own self loathing and hate keeps you there. Big Words. Small mind.