So much for the new and improved, more-presidential Trump!
After employing a scorched-earth policy to secure the Republican presidential nomination, Trump promised to be more gentle, more kind in his bid to become our nation’s 45th president.
“I can be more presidential than anybody, if I want to be. I can be more presidential than anybody,” Trump has said. Not sensing the contradiction in his statement, Trump went on to say, “I’ve said this a couple of times, more presidential than anybody other than the great Abe Lincoln. He was very presidential.”
Following his big win in the New York primary, Trump actually pledged to be more presidential, joking, “I will be so presidential, you will be so bored.”
The hope among establishment Republicans was that Trump wanted to be more presidential going into the general election. No more of the racist, sexist, divisive, hate-filled rhetoric he so masterfully used to vanquish his 16 primary opponents. And, for a while (two-three days), many within the GOP bought into this promised transformation.
Paul Ryan, the highest ranking Republican, certainly fell for Trump’s pledge, finally endorsing the billionaire, TV reality star.
“I feel confident he would help us turn the ideas in this agenda into laws to help improve people’s lives. That’s why I’ll be voting for him this fall,” Ryan wrote in an op-ed for the Janesville Gazette of Janesville, Wisconsin.
He added, “It’s no secret that he and I have our differences. I won’t pretend otherwise. And when I feel the need to, I’ll continue to speak my mind. But the reality is, on the issues that make up our agenda, we have more common ground than disagreement.”
Just one day after Ryan’s endorsement, Trump was back to his old tricks, criticizing the judge presiding over his Trump University fraud case as unfair because of the many rulings against him … because he is “Mexican.”
Trump’s offensive comment against U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel was followed by a similar attack on Muslim judges. Asked if he believed a Muslim judge would be unfair to him in light of the fact that he has called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country, Trump replied, “It’s possible, yes. Yeah. That would be possible, absolutely.”
Remember Trump’s comment that he could be more presidential … if he wanted to be? He doesn’t.
Trump will never morph into a more presidential candidate for one simple reason … he does not want to be president. This has been confirmed by former staff members and is born out by common sense.
A presidential candidate cannot alienate so many segments of the American voting public and still expect to win office.
This is only my guess but Trump is sticking to his racist, hate-filled rhetoric because he is planting the seeds for a new political party… one headed by Herr Trump for all the white racists who now form a significant part of his base.
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A new political party for white racists would be formidable!
You are so right! Could give real competition to both Republicans and Democrats. Might even overtake the GOP in number of members.
This rant does not even need a reply.