Bernie Sanders supporters, like most Republicans, are crying foul over the FBI’s decision not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of private email servers.
What many “Bernie or Bust” proponents had hoped for … a recommendation to the Justice Department to indict … failed to materialize. A criminal charge against Hillary Clinton was the last real chance their hero had of securing the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.
Many Bernie enthusiasts who had been “Feeling the Bern” felt they got burned by FBI Director, James Comey.
With these simple words from Comey, “We cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges,” Sander’s supporters took to the blogosphere to vent their disgust with the FBI’s decision. Many echoed Donald Trump’s conclusion that “the system is rigged.” Many vowed never to support “Crooked Hillary.”
But Bernie Sanders himself has remained silent about this blockbuster development.
According to The Washington Post, the Sanders campaign’s only message today was a text encouraging supporters to press the DNC Platform Committee to include Sanders’ amendment to the TPP.
The frustration of Far Left Democrats and Far Right Republicans is in many ways similar. Both groups are true revolutionaries rebelling against anything that remotely smells of center politics. There actually is a name for this phenomenon – the horseshoe theory. In political science, the theory asserts that rather than the far left and the far right being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear political continuum, they in fact closely resemble one another, much like the ends of a horseshoe.
The good news for Democrats is that once reality sets in; once Bernie endorses Hillary; once he actively campaigns for her, any hurt feelings will be pacified.
The template here is Hillary Clinton’s (and Bill’s for that matter) full support of candidate Barack Obama after a bitter 2008 primary contest. Of course there will be Bernie supporters who will sit out the election or even vote for Trump, as they have threatened to do.
But in the end, Democrats will unite to defeat a cancerous growth upon our body politic … Donald Trump.
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Can’t believe that Hillary got away with this? She should have been hit with a large fine–(1.5million) let Bill pay the fine. Heads should roll on her staff for being “careless”, Huma Abedin for starters.
Yes, it is hard to believe. But the FBI was conducting a “criminal” investigation. She did not break any “criminal” law according to the wording of the statutes she supposedly violated. Fines are usually reserved for civil offenses.