Republicans hate “Crooked Hillary.” But their Clinton-hatred does not match the level of animus felt by some Bernie Sanders supporters towards the former secretary of state.
Now that Hillary has chosen a middle-of-the-road political insider, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, as her running mate, their hopes of ever embracing Clinton have faded fast. About the only way avid Sanders supporters were ever going to get behind Hillary would have been an Elizabeth Warren VP pick or, perhaps, the ghost of Che Guevara.
The fact that Bernie Sanders has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president has not diminished the lust for revolution among Sanders diehards.
It is being estimated that about 30,000 to 50,000 protestors will be gathering at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia to protest Kaine’s selection as Hillary’s running mate, a man seen by many Bernie loyalists as just another Wall Street lackey.
But beyond protesting what they believe to be a bad VP pick, there are still some Sanders dreamers who think he can win the Democratic presidential nomination. They point to the fact that Bernie has not yet conceded the race to Hillary. They are still holding on to a thread of hope that a big showing in Philadelphia will persuade super delegates committed to Clinton to vote for Sanders.
During the lead up to the Republican National Convention, there was much talk about major protests, and violence, outside the convention hall. While there were some flare ups, the protests and violence were basically contained.
How ironic if the large-scale protests predicted for the RNC take place at the DNC, which starts tomorrow at the Philadelphia Convention Center.
“If Clinton has reached out to Bernie supporters, it appears that she has done so to stick triangulating thumbs in their eyes,” said Norman Solomon, the coordinator of a group billing itself as the Bernie Delegates Network. Solomon has called Kaine, “a loyal servant of oligarchy.”
It is hard to predict how many true Bernie revolutionaries there are. Whether or not Hillary can convince them she is the best hope for change remains to be seen. Certainly the pressure is on Clinton to stop this group of Bernie fanatics from either sitting out the election, voting Trump or voting third party.
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Hillary will still probably win. But against any other Republican than Trump, I wouldn’t have wanted to bet on it.
No, I think you’re wrong. No other Republican had the kind of strong, blind support as Trump. He is the most formidable candidate of the 17 the Republicans started with. If Democratic turnout is low, Trump could win.
The author is evidently unaware of the large-scale election fraud that occurred in the Democratic primaries. The Wikileaks evidence shows the party was heavily slanted toward Hillary, but also millions of voter registrations were changed to other than Dem, exit polls in many states were significantly different from the voting results (2% is average; some were 12% different), and there were lots of other methods used to eliminate Bernie votes. There are multiple lawsuits against the DNC because of the level of fraud seen.
William, so voting Trump is the answer?