Hillary Clinton delivered a forceful, energetic, upbeat and impassioned acceptance speech at tonight’s Democratic National Convention. But was this the same Hillary most people have come to know and hate? As I listened to her words, something seemed strangely familiar. Free college? Tax the rich? Rein in Wall Street? Universal healthcare? Raise the minimum wage to $15?
There is no doubt Bernie’s revolution paved the way for what many are calling the most progressive Democratic Party platform ever. But for the most part, party platforms are seen as meaningless fluffery — wish lists that promise all things to all people, with little thought given to what can realistically be delivered.
Yet there was Hillary Clinton espousing many of those platform principles, and more, in her acceptance speech to the nation.
Suddenly it hit me! Hillary was giving a speech Bernie had delivered throughout his campaign!
Here are just a few Hillary quotes that could have come right out of Bernie’s playbook:
But none of us can be satisfied with the status quo. Not by a long shot.
I believe America thrives when the middle class thrives.
I believe that our economy isn’t working the way it should because our democracy isn’t working the way it should. That’s why we need to appoint Supreme Court justices who will get money out of politics and expand voting rights, not restrict them. And we’ll pass a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United!
I believe American corporations that have gotten so much from our country should be just as patriotic in return. It’s wrong to take tax breaks with one hand and give out pink slips with the other. And I believe Wall Street can never, ever be allowed to wreck Main Street again.
I believe in science. I believe that climate change is real and that we can save our planet while creating millions of good-paying clean energy jobs.
I believe that when we have millions of hardworking immigrants contributing to our economy, it would be self-defeating and inhumane to kick them out. Comprehensive immigration reform will grow our economy and keep families together – and it’s the right thing to do.
I will work … to make college tuition-free for the middle class and debt-free for all! We will also liberate millions of people who already have student debt.
If you believe that companies should share profits with their workers, not pad executive bonuses, join us.
If you believe the minimum wage should be a living wage… and no one working full time should have to raise their children in poverty… join us.
If you believe that every man, woman, and child in America has the right to affordable health care…join us.
If you believe that we should say “no” to unfair trade deals… that we should stand up to China… that we should support our steelworkers and autoworkers and homegrown manufacturers…join us.
If you believe we should expand Social Security and protect a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions… join us.
And yes, if you believe that your working mother, wife, sister, or daughter deserves equal pay… join us.
Let’s make sure this economy works for everyone, not just those at the top.
For all those sad and discouraged Bernie supporters, take heart. Your efforts have had a profound influence on the Democratic Party platform and, what may very well be, the first female president of the United States.
Bernie, you and your army of revolutionaries may have lost the battle, but you won the war.
(Photo By Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call)
I hear a lot of the Bernie children left the convention so they didn’t hear Hillary’s speech. Too bad.
Some Bernie or Bust fans are just like Trump fanatics. Their minds are made up; will never be changed, no matter what.
When the primaries have been rigged for Hillary (proved now with WikiLeaks), the Bernie voters have no interest in supporting her. It’s that simple. We Bernie supporters saw the election fraud as it occurred, and were shocked that this was happening in the U.S., not some third-world banana republic. Hillary will do ANYTHING to get elected and this, in itself, is a reason NOT to vote for her.
William, I was going to reply to your comment but you inspired me on today’s post. Please read. https://thedailynooze.com/2016/08/01/bernie-supporters-before-you-bust-please-read-this/
The part that was effective in getting independent voters to vote for her was her strength on National security and foreign policy. On this Drumpf is not only a novice, but an ignorant novice, without any inquisitive nature. He is a knee jerk reactionary and unqualified to be CIC.
All true, yet almost half the country is behind this dangerous narcissist.
Nicely said about Bernie losing the battle but winning the war.
Go Hillary!
Thanks, Darcie.
I really hope that it holds true. If Hillary wants to truly improve the nation she’ll need to listen to the progressive voices of the millions under 45. They are the future of our nation, the ones who will have to live with the long-term decisions the next President will make. I fear for the future of the Democratic Party if she veers right after election!
These are tough times for both political parties. Both Republicans and Democrats want revolution. Only the Republicans got their wish. Bernie supporters are upset but I think they will see the big picture as the presidential race heats up.