It seems at every turn, Donald Trump is sabotaging whatever chance he has of winning the presidency. Instead of pivoting towards the general election after clinching his party’s nomination, he remains stuck in the campaign style that brought him to the dance. Going against his own staff’s advice and the hopes of the Republican powers that be, Trump just keeps doubling down on his divisive rhetoric, committing one unforced error after another.
Since becoming his party’s presidential nominee, Trump has belittled the Muslim parents of a fallen soldier; suggested his “Second Amendment” people would prevent a President Clinton from appointing liberal Supreme Court justices; and, most recently, made the absurd claim President Obama is the actual founder of ISIS.
It is no wonder why more and more members of his own party are abandoning ship. The man just can’t find the resolve, or the desire, to change his ways.
“He can’t simply continue to preach to the choir and think he’s going to put together a coalition that will win the White House,” said Ryan Williams, a party strategist and former aide to 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney. “He’s essentially guaranteeing that he will lose by refusing to clean up his mistakes and stop committing future ones.”
Some are calling Trump the candidate of self-destruction.
However, there are still those who believe Trump, even with his hateful form of campaigning, can win the White House. Hillary Clinton’s high negatives give the self-proclaimed billionaire a puncher’s chance.
Which raises the scary thought of a thin-skinned, erratic and vindictive Donald Trump as the nation’s commander in chief.
“I think anyone who listens to what Donald Trump has to say on foreign policy should be concerned, “said John Noonan, a former nuclear missile officer (and former adviser to Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush). “This is not the first time that he has talked about nuclear weapons in a reckless manner. Remember, he was interested in maybe having Japan or South Korea leave the U.S. nuclear umbrella and develop nuclear weapons of their own. That is contrary to decades’ worth of nuclear weapons policy and is, frankly, a terrible and dangerous idea.”
While many Americans have no problem with Trump being the candidate of self-destruction, they are terrified with Trump as the man with the nuclear launch keys. They rightly fear Trump as the candidate of mass destruction.
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Clearly the candidate of self destruction. The question is whether he pulls out of the election before the debates. I would think there is a good chance that happens leaving the GOP with no alternative but to try to put Mitt on the ticket.
The only way Trump debates Hillary is if he’s wearing his extra-absorbent Depends.
Romney, Jeb, and their people need to quit crying and get over yourselves! You lost. Suck it up! I will never vote for any of you again because you are hurting the party, not helping us. Anybody who helps get Hillary the win isn’t deserving of holding office. And you talk about Donald’s immaturity. Ha! Go look in the mirror. You are all traitors whose egos are bigger than your love of the country. Hillary Clinton is organized crime and evil to the core. At least Donald won’t sell us for a buck! Listen to the Christians and the religions of America, they get it. You don’t. Donald is our only chance. Quit bad mouthing him. Go away and shut up. Mitt is especially disappointing because he is supposed to be a religious person but all We see is a jealous, ungracious loser. Put him on the ticket??? He will lose because the American people will never forget he helped Hillary!