Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump met yesterday with Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto, on that we are certain. What the two men discussed during their private meeting is still unclear.
Many Trump supporters believe the hastily arranged trip was set up so Trump could extract a check from Peña Nieto, or at least a solemn promise, to pay for the big wall Trump has promised to build between the two countries.(Señor … The Check, Por Favor)
But during the news conference following their meeting, Trump said he and Peña Nieto talked about the wall, but did not discuss who was going to pay for it.
“Who pays for the wall? We didn’t discuss,” Trump said. “We did discuss the wall. We didn’t discuss payment of the wall. That’ll be for a later date.”
Funny, because shortly after Trump’s statement, Peña Nieto tweeted, “At the beginning of the conversation with Donald Trump I made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall.”
Someone is playing fast and loose with the truth.
Of course Trump supporters believe if he is elected president, the wall will be built and paid for by Mexico.
At his rally in Phoenix later in the day, Trump did not disappoint his followers.
“We will build a great wall along the Southern border,” Trump said, pausing for emphasis before continuing: “and Mexico will pay for the wall. One hundred percent. They don’t know it yet but they’re going to pay for it.”
The interesting part about this whole controversy is that no one but ardent Trump supporters believes the wall between the two nations will ever be built, due to both logistics and price.
Trump has estimated that the cost of a wall along the 2000-mile border between the two countries could run as high as $12 billion. Most experts have estimated the cost to be at least twice that total.
Talk about wall-building seems to be just that … talk; nothing more than a rallying cry for Trump’s supporters.
But who is lying about what was discussed yesterday concerning the great wall is a serious question.
A betting person would not go with Trump. Fact checkers have shown that only 9% of what comes out of Trump’s mouth is true or mostly true. (If Prevaricating Were An Olympic Sport, Trump Wins Gold, Hands Down)
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As if facts or truth matter to Trumpites.
He’s a caricature and they love his “straight talk.” Too bad it’s complete b.s. and dog whistle code.
Amazing but a good many Trump loyalists really thought he went to Mexico to pick up his cheque grande!
Scarborough called him a choker this morning. I agree. All he does is pander to his base. Its as if yesterday’s flight down to Mexico was to pick up a taco or something. Nothing accomplished, but plenty to gloat about. What a tool. Did you notice all of the color in the crowd? No? Neither did I? Did you notice all of the other parents of victims innocently killed by cops? No? Neither did I? Did you notice one single word about gun control and how these “illegals” were able to get guns so easy? No? Neither did I? His dog whistle to his trolls has become an alarm and its frightening to educated people who know that all he does is stir up his base. What a clown.
How anyone could believe one word that comes out of this con artist’s mouth is beyond me.