With Election Day less than 48 hours away, American voters are being told this election is the most important political choice they may make in their lifetimes.
Funny thing. It seems the exact same warning is sounded every presidential election cycle. Voters hear the message and shrug. They’ve been conditioned to see all that gloom and doom stuff as just campaign fodder to drive members of their party to get out and vote, nothing more, nothing less.
But something feels different this time around.
Far from being just another “boy cries wolf” analogy, this could actually be the most consequential election in generations.
And it is not because Donald Trump, the least qualified presidential candidate in terms of experience, temperament or judgment ever to run for office, might be elected president. No, the country, and the world … with any luck … might be able to withstand four years of almost certain chaos such a prospect could bring.
What makes this election so important is that the next president, through his or her appointments, could shape the Supreme Court for perhaps the next 30 years!
This fact cannot be overstressed.
The new president is likely to take office with one Supreme Court appointment to make, as it is unlikely President Obama will get his nominee, Merrick Garland, considered by the Senate before he leaves office. But here’s the kicker … the next president could have one or even two additional appointments to the high court before their time as president is up, even if they only serve one term! This could ultimately end up being a presidency that sways the balance of the court, progressive or conservative, for generations.
A President Trump would no doubt yield to the most conservative members of his party who would look for him to appoint the most conservative justices. Does anyone think Trump really cares who sits on the highest court? The man knows, or cares, as much about the Constitution as he does the Bible. Was that one or two Corinthians?
In deriding George H.W. Bush in the 1992 presidential election, Bill Clinton famously said, “It’s the economy, stupid.”
With the election of 2016 upon us, it cannot be stressed enough… this time “It’s the Supreme Court, stupid.”
Vote as if the next 20-30 years of your life depends on it … because it just might.
Photo | politico.com
John: You hit the nail on the head. This election is about the Supreme court. If Drumpf wins, this Court will change, and not for the good, and will take 20-30 years to ever have a chance to get back to a liberal and progressive stance. Think of all the good that will be abolished and erased. That alone is a reason to vote for HRC.
This should be the most important reason young people vote for Hillary. I wonder how many truly get it. God help us if she doesn’t win.