While Hillary Clinton promised voters to fix all that is wrong with Washington D.C., Donald Trump promised to “drain the swap.” Instead of some minor White House renovations, the billionaire real estate developer called for a complete tear down and rebuild.
While pundits and pollsters try to come up with reasons why they were so wrong in their forecasts, it might be as simple as the American voter having had enough of politics as usual. They were willing to roll the dice on a TV celebrity with zero political experience than to vote for the ultimate political insider, Hillary Clinton. Her brilliant resume of governmental service actually turned out to be the kiss of death.
Donald Trump went up against a formidable group of experienced Republican politicians in the primary. He came out on top for the same reason he was able to defeat Clinton. Trump’s primary opponents, except for Carson and Fiorina, were all establishment types who promised more of the same, not a shock to the system.
Bernie Sanders’ strong showing in the Democrat primary revealed that the appetite for political revolution was not limited to Republicans. It is a safe bet that many of those Bernie revolutionaries helped get Trump elected.
The fact that Trump was light on policy proposals throughout his presidential run, and the American voter was fine with that, speaks to the level of disdain voters had for what used to be called standard political fare.
If GOP establishment types think Trump’s win is a victory for them, they better think twice. Trump has surrounded himself with members of the fringe alt-right who despise them as much as they do Democrats.
The GOP is now the party of Trump, not Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell. How this is going to play out or how anything is going to get accomplished in Washington remains to be seen.
Trump, and his supporters, will soon learn he has not been elected Czar of the United States. He cannot simply order a huge wall to be built along the Mexican border; he cannot simply start deporting all illegal immigrants; he simply cannot repeal Obamacare; he simply cannot undo treaties; he simply cannot ban all Muslims from entering the country; he simply cannot order manufacturers to move back to the United States.
But Trump supporters are hopeful of one thing … they start winning so much they will be sick of winning.
Photo | libertyfriends.blogspot.com
Trump will never be my president.
I’m sure many feel that way.
Get back to me in 6 months. What are the odds that he lasts a 4 year term before resigning.
Slim. Very Slim. I see a President Pence in the future.