Not too long ago, when the idea of a president-elect Donald Trump seemed as remote as a manned-mission to Neptune, political writers had a field day satirizing what a Trump administration would look like. I plead guilty to the sinful pleasure of having put out a list of potential Trump cabinet picks. (Confident Trump Lining Up Cabinet)
Invariably, Sarah Palin made almost every satirist’s list for secretary of something … State, or perhaps, Education?
Just the thought of Palin as the head of any of the 15 executive departments was a hoot in its shear absurdity.
Now, a close Palin aide and a top Donald Trump transition official have told ABC News Sarah Palin is seriously being considered for secretary of veterans affairs. The Department of Veterans Affairs just happens to be the largest government agency, with over 300,000 federal employees and a budget of $182 billion for 2017.
As crazy as it may seem having the half-term, half-witted Alaska governor run such as massive enterprise, the news is no joke. This is not satire.
It appears Palin’s main qualification for the job is that her son, Track, spent a year deployed in Iraq with the U.S. Army. You may recall it was Track Palin who got busted for drunken domestic abuse only to be defended by “Mama Grizzly” who blamed the incident on his PTSD … and President Obama, of course!
So the woman who, as John McCain’s 2008 VP pick, thought she was qualified in foreign affairs because she could see Russia from her backyard now thinks she is experienced to run the largest governmental agency because her son served one year in the military?
But more importantly, what would such an appointment say about the judgment and competency of the soon to be President Trump?
It is safe to say veterans do not see this news as humorous.
With a Trump administration, we may soon be witnessing the end of humor as a means to ridicule and expose political stupidity.
From hereon in, don’t assume a headline such as this: “Trump Pardons Bernie Madoff And Picks Him To Run Treasury Department” is meant as political parody.
Fact-checking will never be more important.
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Instead of draining the swamp, Drumpf is filling it with toxins. The salad sentence ex-half term governor from Alaska would be an absolute disaster for all of the Vets who truly suffer PTSD and other ailments. He again proves that he is beholden to stupidity and ignorance if he chooses this anti-everything as head of a VA which is in desperate need for solid leadership and not just salad statements. I pray for our Vets if this disaster gets appointed.
Trump’s appointments are pathetic … the worst of the worst.
Thanks to Trump, the once ludicrous is now common place.
Well said.
Still can’t handle the loss on Nov. 8? Please let’s move foreword! All this bickering is just wasting time.
Yes, if we are going to drive over a cliff, might as well pull a Thelma & Louise!
How could anyone have doubted that President Trump would be Donald Trump plus great power and not Donald Trump plus great restraint?