Surprise, surprise! Today U.S. intelligence officials revealed they believe Vladimir Putin was directly involved in efforts to disrupt our presidential election. Specifically, they have strong evidence that the Russian President, and former KGB spy, oversaw a concerted effort to help Donald Trump get elected president.
To many, this was not news at all.
It was long suspected, prior to the election, that our longtime geopolitical adversary committed the hacking of the DNC servers and the subsequent release of damaging information to WikiLeaks. But now we are told the effort to undermine our electoral system went directly to the top … Comrade Putin.
Certainly U.S. diplomats, and other government officials, familiar with Putin and his autocratic ways are not surprised.
That Russia could have been involved in trying to influence our presidential election without strongman Putin’s knowledge or active involvement was always a stretch … almost on a par with bully Chris Christie not knowing about, or somehow being involved in, the George Washington Bridge lane closures. What underlings would dare take such actions without the big boss’s approval?
And now what?
Both Democrats and Republicans are calling for a formal investigation. Some think Congress is up to the task while others are calling for an independent probe to avoid the potential stink of partisanship.
Whatever form an investigation takes, there is no way results will be known until after January 20, 2017 … when Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as our nation’s 45th president.
A small group of Electoral College electors (10) has asked U.S. intelligence officials for more information on Russian interference in our election and any ongoing investigations surrounding Donald Trump’s relationship with Russia. They have asked that the information be given them ahead of their Dec. 19 meeting to formally vote for the next president.
Whether or not the electors get the information requested, they need to approach their Constitutional duty with the utmost seriousness … namely, by rejecting a man who appears to have been placed into office through the aid of a foreign enemy, at best, or the potential treason on the part of the Trump campaign, at worst.
The future of our great country, and that of the world, is now in the hands of 538 individuals. God help us.
Photo | AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
Trump’s favorite Bond movie… “The Spy Who Loved Me.” Coincidence?
And his favorite song is “Putin On The Ritz.”