Despite having won the election, Donald Trump is still out on the campaign trail. Yesterday’s stop was Orlando, Florida. Today’s destination, Mobile, Alabama.
President-elect Trump has ostensibly gone back on the campaign trail to deliver a message of unity after one of our country’s more divisive presidential elections. The strange thing is that Trump’s tour stops have only included those states that helped him magically win the presidency: Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Alabama.
If Donald Trump’s goal is to heal the nation’s wounds, he sure has a funny way of going about it.
At almost every stop, Trump has attacked the press as being “dishonest,” railed against his political opponents (both Democrat and Republican) and gloated over his defeat of Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Trump’s loyalists have greeted his call for togetherness with the same chants heard during the primary season: “Lock her up,” “Build the wall,” and everyone’s’ favorite, “USA… USA… USA!”
Trump’s new road show can best be described has his “greatest hits” tour. Even though he has backed away from some of the songs he sang during the primary campaign, he is smart enough to know you give your audiences what they came to hear.
The “Trumpmania” tour has not disappointed fans. Even though he is re-writing some tunes made popular during the campaign (“The Big Beautiful Wall,” “I’m Locking Up Crooked Hillary”), he is still performing most of his beloved songs (even though they too may be subject to re-write): “I’m Repealing Obamacare,” “Let’s Keep Those Muslims Out,” “Rip, Rip, Rip Up Those Trade Deals” and “Gotta Drain That Swamp.”
Trump groupies are ecstatic about having their pied piper back on tour. It’s been one packed arena after another.
Of course, the fact that Trump has been running ads in those states where he has appeared has helped with turnout. The message? Come to our rally and hear the only man who can take all your troubles away.
“The Magical Victory Tour” is waiting to take you away … take you away, maybe today.
Photo | Reuters/Lucas Jackson/Carlo Allegri/Salon)
Why give your fans the new stuff? Better to play those surefire golden oldies. (Garden Party, anyone?)
Yep. Rick Nelson sure learned his lesson.
How long before Trump supporters realize they’ve been played for fools?
If Trump were caught on tape discussing how stupid his supporters are, they would still support their messiah Trump.