At a time when the world is becoming increasingly dangerous, the United States elects its most erratic, temperamentally unstable president. When the leadership and steady hand of the world’s greatest power is needed most, Americans choose a loose cannon as their commander in chief.
There are many religious folks out there who are predicting, and praying for, the end of times. With Donald J. Trump’s tiny finger on the nuclear button, they just might get their wish.
This week was particularly alarming. With terrorist attacks in Berlin, Germany and Amman, Jordon, along with a political assassination in Turkey, it does seem that the world is fast going to hell in a hand basket.
Instead of a cool, calm and collected commander in chief, we are about to install an inexperienced, unpredictable, thin-skinned and intellectually incurious con artist as leader of the free world.
Donald Trump, with his consistent anti-Muslim rhetoric, has perhaps done more for ISIS recruitment than just about anyone. And who does he surround himself with? Like-minded advisers.
Trump’s choice as national security adviser, retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, has been quoted as saying, “Fear of Muslims is rational.”
Giving the reins of power to a likeable but completely incompetent man didn’t work so well the last time around. No, George W. Bush did not blow up the world (some may dispute that). He just set the stage for a popular demagogue, who has a thing for nuclear weapons, to do so.
It is being said some Congressional Republicans are as fearful of the harm Trump might inflict on the world just as much as everyone else. But they will stick with him as long he allows them to fulfill their wettest dreams… more tax cuts for the wealthy, privatization of Medicare and Social Security, business deregulation, etc.
Once Trump stops playing ball with the legislators, however, they have enough dirt on the ethically compromised “billionaire” to impeach his butt.
But it might be too late. World War III might have already started.
As always, for Republicans, it is party over country… or even the world.
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Doomsday is clearly near.
These really are scary times.
Yeah, really bad timing. Trump could get us all killed.
A good time for a Trump presidency might have been the late 1800s.