Democrats have gotten their wish. A clown, con artist, racist demagogue, with zero experience in all things political, will be the Republican Party’s presidential nominee. A candidate totally unqualified to be our nation’s next commander in chief will carry the GOP’s hopes of regaining the White House.
A cakewalk for the Democratic nominee, right?
No, not if that Democratic nominee is Hillary Clinton. No, not when a significant number of Democrats say they would never vote for the ethically challenged former Secretary of State. For them, it is “Bernie or Bust.”
Well, it is fairly clear to most Democrats, except for diehard Bernie Sanders supporters, that Hillary will be the Democrats’ standard-bearer in the upcoming presidential election. But with negatives almost comparable to those of Trump, and with many Bernie supporters vowing to sit out the election, vote third party, or vote for Trump, Hillary is anything but a shoe in for the Oval Office.
If only Democrats could take a page from the GOP playbook. For Republicans, it is always party over country. Democrats need to heed the lesson of Rick Perry. Here we have a former presidential candidate who once called Trump a “cancer on conservatism,” now enthusiastically supporting his former rival. Party first!
Yes, Democrats are not as disciplined as Republicans. They do not know how to circle their wagons for mutual protection. What Democrats have proven over and again is they do not know how to close out a game. If they are skilled at anything, it is snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Politics is a dirty business. Many times an election comes down to choosing the lesser of two evils. But for Progressives, the petulant children of the Democratic Party, standing on principle is a noble and honorable thing. They don’t care, or simply lose sight of, the greater good.
For “Bernie or Bust” progressive Democrats, all they need to do is think back to George W. Bush’s “win” in Florida in the 2000 election. A good number of Democrats voted for the “progressive” candidate of the Green Party, Ralph Nader… a non-electable, egotistical spoiler who took votes away from Al Gore. How well did that work out for the country, all you noble, honorable Democrats?
Democrats need to unite behind whoever is their party’s nominee. Period. The stakes are too high. The motto “Vote Blue No Matter Who” should be the rallying cry for all right thinking Dems.
(AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)(Credit: AP)