Donald Trump may go down in history as the “Burger King President.” There just isn’t any whopper he will not serve.
Most recently, Trump has claimed the media misrepresented the size of the crowd at his inauguration. He even had his press secretary, Sean Spicer, make a fool of himself by saying, with a straight face, “This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period — both in person and around the globe.”
Trump is now also questioning the fact that he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by nearly 3 million. According to our “Burger King President,” his shortfall was due to voter fraud, more precisely, be believes between three million and five million unauthorized immigrants voted for Clinton.
But not all Trump whoppers are out-and-out lies. Some are just childish, vainful boasts.
During the presidential campaign, Trump claimed he knew more about ISIS than the generals. He stroked his ego by saying all of the women on The Apprentice flirted with him. He bragged about his high IQ. He claimed his fingers are long and beautiful. He blew his own horn by repeating he is very, very, very rich … to the tune of $10 billion.
But perhaps his greatest boast, made at the start of his presidential campaign, was that he “could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue, shoot somebody,” and he wouldn’t lose any voters.
Everyone in the media laughed and ripped apart the 70-year-old man-child for saying something so completely nuts and outrageous.
In retrospect, Trump was partially correct about his seemingly inane bravado.
There is a certain segment of Americans (perhaps 25%) who will believe, as gospel, whatever comes out of Trump’s mouth. They will follow their leader to wherever he takes them. They will not believe their own eyes and ears. They will brand anyone who tries to disparage their beloved… “the enemy.”
Trump, to this group of loyalists, is less a president than a cult leader. And as with any such leader, Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple comes to mind, his followers will drink the Kool-Aid knowing full well it is laced with cyanide.
Logic, reason or even common sense will not get through to Trump’s cult followers. Unfortunately, for everyone else, their demented supreme commander is also the leader of the free world.
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Tell Mr. American Cheese Head to kiss my bun!