It’s only been seven days since Donald Trump was sworn-in as the nation’s 45th president and it has been one faux pas after another. We’ve gotten “alternative facts,” phantom inaugural crowds, millions of illegal Clinton voters and Trump’s chief strategist and resident nazi, Steve Bannon, had the gall to tell the press to ”shut up.”
One thing’s for sure, Trump embarrassments will continue throughout his days in office. The question is … will he go even one day without embarrassing himself?
The Irish bookmaker, Paddy Power, is offering odds on a number of Trump possibilities. While they haven’t posted a bet on how long Trump’s daily embarrassments will continue, here is their list of Trump bets as of January 20, 2017:
Bookmakers are smart people.
I’m imagining the reason bookies are not allowing the public to bet on whether Trump will go even one day in office without making a fool of himself is they believe it to be a virtual impossibility!
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Here’s one. What are the odds Trump would pass a fifth grade level civics exam?
I’d say about 25%. About the same odds I’d give him on passing the citizenship exam given to all new, naturalized citizens.
There should be a pool as to the date he leaves office, whether by impeachment, quits due to lack of interest or for any other reason.
The exact date? That would be tough.